The Influence on the Shape of Modern Korean Sports to Lee Sang Beak , Sang Beak 체육사 : 상백 이상백의 한국근대스포프 형성에 미친 영향
손환SonHwan , 정승삼JoungSeung-Sam
40(1) 3-15, 2001
The Influence on the Shape of Modern Korean Sports to Lee Sang Beak , Sang Beak 체육사 : 상백 이상백의 한국근대스포프 형성에 미친 영향
손환SonHwan , 정승삼JoungSeung-Sam
This research is to make clear the influence of students who studied in Japan on the shape of Modern Korean Sports after the Second World War. It was examined by focusing on Lee Sang Beak who is from Waseda University in Japan, his career, activity while he was studying in Japan and the activity after the Second World War, thought of sports. As a result, the following can be concluded.
Lee Sang Beak was a basketball player while he was in Japan and not only he had a lot of activities but also after he became a leader he won the Japanese convention make a playing tour of America, and he leaves a clear traces for Waseda University's basketball development. Also when he became a director for Japan Amateur Basketball Association and the Japan Amateur Sports Association he published a lot of basketball thesis. Moreover he put an efforts into malting basketball as a main sports and tried hard to contribute to Japanese basketball as a basketball theorist and basketball administrator.
And after the Second World War he put an efforts on Korea Amateur Sports Association organization which leads the Korean sports. Also he asserted the erection of sports hall and sacred fire's introduction to National Sports Festival. For the Asian tournament and international Olympic tournament he participated as a general manager and a head to advertise the developing Korean sports ability. In order that Korea can participate in international Olympic game, by ourselves he established KOC to get an agreement from IOC. By exhibiting the skills as a sports administrator he took a important place for Korean sports reconstruct after the Second World War.
Like this Lee Sang Beak, even though Korean student in Japan, contributed a lot to the development of Japanese basketball as a player, coach and director of association. It was his will, the determination that he is on the place to teach Japanese, that made these activities possible. Such his will as Korean has been reflected in the reconstruction of Korean sports since independence.
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A Study on Jujuzu School and Technique Contents Applied to KODOKAN Judo Technique 체육사 : 강도관 유도기술에 적용된 유술유파와 기술내용에 관한 고찰
최종삼ChoiJong-Sam , 박경호ParkKyung-Ho
40(1) 16-26, 2001
A Study on Jujuzu School and Technique Contents Applied to KODOKAN Judo Technique 체육사 : 강도관 유도기술에 적용된 유술유파와 기술내용에 관한 고찰
최종삼ChoiJong-Sam , 박경호ParkKyung-Ho
The purpose of this study was to investigate how each Jujuzu school was applied to the forming time of KODOKAN judo, and to investigate technique contents during the beginning time of Judo competition.
The results from this study were as follows.
1. It was shown that Kanogigoro grafted KODOKAN Judo on the Nagiwaza technique of Kittoryu and the Atimi and Katamiwaza technique of Denjinsinyoryu.
2. The summation of Judo technique was to establish Judo teaching method by 5 steps in 1895 and to reform it in 1920, and during this time many kinds of Nagiwaza technique including in Jujuzu was involved and developed.
3. It was thought that the competition rule for Judo's free practice that established in 1900 developed Judo technique better by making the priority of Nagiwaza technique clear.
4. It was shown that Katamiwaza technique of lie-down position was developed after 1895 and Atimi was left as Kata during this time.
From the above results, Modern Judo technique system appears to be established from 1882 to 1920. Fundamental Judo techniques was established with Kittoryu and Denjinsinyoryu techniques and then Nagiwaza technique develops more as those become competition through free practice method. Atimi, which is a dangerous technique, was left as Kata during this time.
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A Study on the Art Meaning Seach and Philosophy of Taekwondo Traning 체육철학 : 태권도 품새수련의 예술적 의미 탐색과 철학적 고찰
감갑수KimKab-Soo , 윤상화YoonSang-Hwa
40(1) 29-38, 2001
A Study on the Art Meaning Seach and Philosophy of Taekwondo Traning 체육철학 : 태권도 품새수련의 예술적 의미 탐색과 철학적 고찰
감갑수KimKab-Soo , 윤상화YoonSang-Hwa
The Conclusion is as follows : First, Taekwondo Poomse of art meaning search resuits, Taekwondo Training experience to come out is historical back ground dor art, it beautiful art and Taekwondo have aesthetic experience. Second, Taekwondo Poose of Philosophy study result, The aim of this study is to emphasize the importance of Poomse training (as well as reasons and methods), because nowadays I find that people in Korea tend to attach little importance to Poomsae(Pattern). I would like to put more emphasis on the value of Taekwondo as a martial art, as Poomse has, not only gymnastic value, but also a great deal of philosophical value. As a martial art, Taekwondo has awoken the mental worlds of Taekwondo trainees around the world. It was even adopted as a sports emery in the Olympic Games in Sydney in the year 2000. Through the Olympic Games, Taekwondo will contribute in a way to the noble spirits and ideals of the Olympice and the ongoing human endeavor for world peace.
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An Affect of the Corporeal Discourse to School's Physical Education According to Social Changes 체육철학 : 사회변화에 따라 형성된 신체적 담론이 학교체육에 끼친 영향
윤여탁YoonYeo-Tak , 이형일LeeHyung-IL
40(1) 39-52, 2001
An Affect of the Corporeal Discourse to School's Physical Education According to Social Changes 체육철학 : 사회변화에 따라 형성된 신체적 담론이 학교체육에 끼친 영향
윤여탁YoonYeo-Tak , 이형일LeeHyung-IL
The body has recently become a popular topic in history, cultural anthropology and sociology which stems from the increasing visibility of aspects of physical culture in our everyday lives. Even though the body has received a fair amount of scrutiny from many scholars, schools as site of constructing and constituting the body have tended to be overlooked.
The purpose of this study was to provide and to illuminate the modern body in schooling and socio-cultural phenomena in Korea. This attempted to link theses ideas together in the form of a discussion of the relationship between the two components of the topics highlighting in particular the significance of physical education and sport to any analysis of the socio-cultural construction of the body.
The part of physical education has played over time, since its first appearance in Korea schools in the late nineteenth century until nowadays, in making and remaking the modern body and in so doing constructing and constituting corporeal discourse. For the almost arse hundred years of its existence in Korean schools, physical education was utilized to map particular configuration of time and space on to and about student's body. The purpose of physical education in Korea have rendered these bodies docile which was amenable to disciplined channelling of energies and capabilities into the processes of economic production and defence of the our country.
This study is aimed to recognize the necessity of emotional physical education and sport by examining the problems of rational physical education and sport in sport science and school physical education. That problems are over-competition, overemphasis on winning and etc. so that, what is emotional physical education? It is used terms that abe shinobu Japanese physical education philosopher suggested. The aim of physical education based on personality formation, total teaching, self-realization, emotional teaching. here emotional physical education deal with evaluation, education, research about intrinsic value, subjectivity, aesthetics experience. therefor In the future, I hope that physical education realized the united education between emotional and rational physical education and sport by overcoming academic prejudice and the crisis of rational physical education and sport in the present.
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A Research into the Meaning of Paul's Thought as to Physical Education 체육철학 : 바울의 '몸' 사상이 체육에 주는 의미
40(1) 62-73, 2001
A Research into the Meaning of Paul's Thought as to Physical Education 체육철학 : 바울의 '몸' 사상이 체육에 주는 의미
This paper is designed to take a look at St. Paul's idea as to the body and its meaning in the context of physical education by focusing on the body, the core of his fresh idea.
The body consists not only of the human being in terms of simple outside and physical aspects, but also of a source of sexual ability as earthly being, representing the human being itself as a whole.
Based on the principle of the oneness of the body and the mind which stands for the totality at all levels, his idea on the body helps deepen the academic foundations and identity of physical education like the following.
1) This can be a countermeasure against the mechanical paradigm which can be seen as the modern view on the body.
2) His body idea helps to unify the knowledge of individual sciences investigating the cores of physical education by identifying the movement of human beings not as a closed object, but a living subject.
3) His body idea shows the possible ultimate achievements of modern physical education St. Paul doesn't regard the body as the object of human possession but as the human being itself, which suggests that physical education can serve as a matrix for the education of holistic education.
To cap it all, his idea is based on the assumption that a human being is a unified being unable to be subject to the separation of the body and the mind, which seems to tide over the two-tier conceptions of the body and the mind from the angle of the ultimate goal of physical education. He refused to see the movement of a human being in a one-sided opinion, regarding it as the holistic totality of a human being, which suggests a foundation for holistic education, the main concern of physical education as well as the outlook for future physical education.
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The Effects of Participating Degree on Spectating Satisfaction at the Professional Sporting Events. 스포츠사회학 : 프로스포츠 관람 정도가 관람 만족에 미치는 영향
김상두KimSang-Do , 김홍설KimHong-Seol
40(1) 77-86, 2001
The Effects of Participating Degree on Spectating Satisfaction at the Professional Sporting Events. 스포츠사회학 : 프로스포츠 관람 정도가 관람 만족에 미치는 영향
김상두KimSang-Do , 김홍설KimHong-Seol
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of participating degree on spectating satisfaction at the professional sporting events.
This study set a model of consumer behavior decision based on the results of the precedent studies about the determinative factors of consumer behavior and the hypothetical model done by Wakefield & Sloan(1995), Hansen & Gauthier(1992), Jeffrey(1997).
To attain the goal of the study described above paragraphs, some viewers of '98-'99 season professional soccer and professional baseball games and KBL playoff games were set as a collected group. Then, using the stratified cluster random sampling method, finally drew out and analyzed 820 people in total.
Data collected through a questionnaire designed for this study consist of fixed alternative choice response to items constructed to represent the operational definition for each variable.
Statistics employed for data analysis was multiple correlation and multiple regression.
Based upon the results of the study, the following conclusions appear warranted:
1. Participating degrees influence on stadium facility satisfaction of spectator at the professional sporting events.
2 Participating degrees influence on game satisfaction of spectator at the professional sporting events.
3. Participating degrees influence on stadium surroundings satisfaction of spectator at the professional sporting events.
4. Participating degrees influence on fan service satisfaction of spectator at the professional sporting events.
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Information Society and Sport : Roles and Prospects 스포츠사회학 : 정보화 사회와 스포츠 : 역할과 전망
40(1) 87-102, 2001
Information Society and Sport : Roles and Prospects 스포츠사회학 : 정보화 사회와 스포츠 : 역할과 전망
This paper was to overview the sociological implications of sport in the information society, to review meanings, characteristics and values of sport as a information, and to discuss effects on the change of sport of information technology.
Characteristics of sport in the information society were summarized to non-consumption, non-removable, non-separate, accumulative effectiveness, secrecy, publicity, individualization, unlimited reproductive, and unlimited valuable, and values of sport information divided into business, individual, and public values.
The more increase quantitative information in sport system, the higher need to qualitative information. To increase the qualitative level and utilization of information in sport system, pertinent information technology will be need to develop. As the information society is developed, virtual reality and Internet are most utilized in the filed of information technology of sport.
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Developmental Perspective of Sport Industry toward 21 st Century in Korea 스포츠사회학 : 21 세기 스포츠 산업의 발전 전망
As the knowledge-information society is developed, traditional sport paradigms such as education for the whole man, enhancing national glory, and increasing national health and wellbeing are faded, while new sport paradigms such as developing media values, and producing high value-add, productive national wellbeing, which s stressed on business value of sport, are initiative to change of sport in the 21st century.
The purposes of this study were to analyzed the current status and problems of national sport industry, and proposed the practical and effective alternatives to cope with encroachment of sport market of foreign enterprise and to activate and increase competition power of national sport industry.
To develop the national sport industry in 21st century, exclusive sport industry organization should be established, marketing capability should be strengthened, information and technology related to sport industry should be developed, infra such as law, institution, and information network should be established, sport market and investment to sport industry should be enlarge, and sport industry system and institution should be reformed.
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The Influence of College Students' Participation in Sports Activity Classes on Their Participation Motivation and Flow Experience. 스포츠사회학 : 대학생의 생활체육수업 수강에 따른 참여동기와 여기몰입경험과의 관계
채한승ChaeHan-Seung , 이종호LeeJong-Ho
40(1) 115-125, 2001
The Influence of College Students' Participation in Sports Activity Classes on Their Participation Motivation and Flow Experience. 스포츠사회학 : 대학생의 생활체육수업 수강에 따른 참여동기와 여기몰입경험과의 관계
채한승ChaeHan-Seung , 이종호LeeJong-Ho
The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of college students` participation in sports activity classes on their participation motivation and flow experience. To accomplish the purpose of this study, 646 college students who participated sports activity classes from seven randomly selected universities were surveyed by means of both the revised questionnaires, initially used and developed by Min, B.(1997) and Csikszentmihalyi(1975). The content validity and reliability of both the questionnaires were determined by conducting a pilot study. The used statistical methods for the data analysis were t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson`s correlation, and multiple regression analysis.
The major findings obtained from this study were following;
First, there was significant difference between male and female students who participated sports activity classes with respect to participation motivation and flow experience. The male students rated participation motivation and flow experience significantly higher in perception than did the female.
Second, there was significant difference among the four different college student groups as freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior students who participated sports activity classes with respect to participation motivation and flow experience. The sophomore, junior, senior students rated participation motivation and flow experience higher in perception than did the freshman students.
Third, there was significant difference among the three different groups as one, two, and three times who participated sports activity classes with respect to participation motivation and flow experience. The over two times groups in participating sports activity lasses rated participation motivation and flow experience significantly higher in perception than did the one time group.
Fourth, there was significant difference among the six different groups as golf, bowling, table tennis, swimming, tennis lasses with respect to participation motivation and flow experience. The students who took tennis and swimming classes rated participation motivation and flow experience significantly higher in perception than did the students who took other sports activity classes.
Fifth, there was significant casual relationship among gender, year in college, frequency of participation, six different sports activity classes, participation motivation and flow experience. Among them, gender, year in college, six different sports activity classes, and participation motivation in sport activity classes significantly influenced the flow experience.
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The Effects of Psychological Skills Training on the Athletic Ability of Golf Players 스포츠심리학 : 골프선수들의 심리기술훈련 효과
김상태KimSang-Tai , 설정덕SulJung-Duk
40(1) 129-146, 2001
The Effects of Psychological Skills Training on the Athletic Ability of Golf Players 스포츠심리학 : 골프선수들의 심리기술훈련 효과
김상태KimSang-Tai , 설정덕SulJung-Duk
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a psychological skills training program for golf players. Specially, this current study employed two steps. First, a psychological skills training program for golf players was developed, incorporating psychological skills of the athletes. Second, the psychological skills training program was administered to golf players to test the effectiveness of the program. A total of 36 elite golf players participated in this study, and they were randomly assigned to the experimental group(n=18) and control group(n=18). For psychological skills training program, adopted group training programs of Nideffer(1985), Unestahl(1986) and Loehr(1988), included goal setting, relaxation, imagery, concentration and self-efficacy training.
Five different kinds of instruments including the psychological skills inventory for sports(PSIS), competitive state anxiety inventory-2(CSAI-2), sport imagery questionnaire(SIQ), science eye field system and putting tester were used to measure changes of athletes, psychological and performance skills before and after the twelve-weeks training.
The main findings of this study were as follows.
1. Psychological ability after the psychological skills training
1) Psychological skills inventory for sports(PSIS)
There were significant mean difference in the anxiety, concentration, confidence, mental preparation and motivation factor of two groups. However, there was no difference in the team emphasis factor.
2) Competitive state anxiety inventory-2(CSAI-2)
There were significant mean difference in the cognitive, somatic anxiety and self confidence factor of two groups.
3) Sport imagery questionnaire(SIQ)
There were significant mean difference in the visual and hearing imagery factor of two groups. However, there were no differences in the sensibility and atmosphere imagery factor.
2. Drive shot and putting ability after the psychological skills training
1) Drive shot. There were significant mean difference in the direction, launch angle and direction angle factor of two groups. However, there were no differences in the club head speed, ball distance, ball carry, ball run, ball speed, back spin and side spin factor.
2) Putting. There was mean difference in the putting factor of two groups.
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A study on sources of stress and coping strategies in Korea national rhythmic gymnasts 스포츠심리학 : 국가대표리듬체조 선수들의 스트레스 요인과 대처 방안
This investigation examined the sources of stress and roping strategies used by Korean national rhythmic gymnasts. Eleven rhythm gymnasts who were current national rhythmic gymnasts were interviewed about the sources of stress they experienced and coping strategies they used at present and in the past. Qualitative methodology was utilized and the interview transcripts were analyzed inductively. Themes were identified from the analysis of the interview data. Combining these themes, five general dimensions of stress sources and coping strategies were identified. Five stress sources were psychological demands, physical demands, environmental demands, perceived expectations of others and human relationship issues. Five coping strategies were psychological training, relaxation techniques, training and strategies, emotional stability, social support.
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The Inspection of the Validity and the Reliability of the Obesity Adjustment Survey - Short Form(OAS-SF) 스포츠심리학 : 단축형 비만적응 검사지(OAS-SF)의 타당성 및 신뢰성 검증
The purpose of this study was to test the validity and the reliability of the Obesity Adjustment Survey Short Form(Butler et al, 1999) for measuring intensely obese domestic high school student's psychological adjustment and worry levels. The subjects participated in this study were 84 intensely obese high school students who were taken care of by the Health Management Association in Pusan. 33 students of these participated the test-retest analysis to enhance reliability. We obtained the following results.
1) The test for item analysis, content validity and face validity showed that the item 5 and 9 were out of the normal range in kurtosis, and we supposed that the culture difference of between the foreign and the domestic which they involve should be the reason of this result. So, we decided to eliminate them from the questionnaire.
2) A convergent validity analysis showed that the item-total correlation was very highly (p<.001) over all items.
3) Normal score were identified by the Shapiro Wilk test(W : Normal value = 0.931), and this suggests that these collected data are useful for various statistical methods.
4) We used the Cronbach's alpha value to identify the reliability and the internal consistency of the questionnaire. The Cronbach's alpha value was significantly high level(α=0.91). And then the test-retest analysis indicated statistically significant(p<.05) correlation between pre and post response.
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The Relationships Among Combat Sports Coaches' Transformational·Transactional Leadership on Leadership Satisfaction and Coaching Effectiveness 스포츠심리학 : 투기종목 코치의 변환적·상통적 리더십과 지도만족 및 지도 효율성광의 관계
최영옥ChoiYoung-Ok , 김윤태KimYun-Tae , 김진표kimJin-Pyo
40(1) 174-186, 2001
The Relationships Among Combat Sports Coaches' Transformational·Transactional Leadership on Leadership Satisfaction and Coaching Effectiveness 스포츠심리학 : 투기종목 코치의 변환적·상통적 리더십과 지도만족 및 지도 효율성광의 관계
최영옥ChoiYoung-Ok , 김윤태KimYun-Tae , 김진표kimJin-Pyo
The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of coaches' leadership styles on players satisfaction with leadership and coaching effectiveness. To this end, 557 high school and college martial art players were sampled to be surveyed.
The collected data were analyzed using SPSS for Windows V 9.0 program to verify the differences of subcategories between schools with the independent determine the causes with the multiple regression analysis.
The results of this study are as follows:
First, for the total student players, two leadership styles explanatory power of student players internal satisfaction with leadership was 34.9% while that of external satisfaction with leadership was 52.6%. And leadership styles and satisfaction with leadership explained 25.3% of the coaching effectiveness. On the other hand, as far as internal satisfaction was concerned, "charisma" "consideration." "conditional compensation" and "special management" were found significant. And as far as external satisfaction was concerned, such subcategories as "charisma" and "special management" were found significant. For coaching effectiveness, such subcategories as "charisma", "personal consideration", "conditional compensation" and "internal satisfaction" were found significant.
Second, as a result of analyzing the relationship among transformational leadership, transactional leadership, satisfaction with leadership and coaching effectiveness for the total student martial art players, it was found that transformational leadership explained satisfaction with leadership and coaching effectiveness more than transactional leadership, which suggests that transformational leadership rather than transactional one may be a more effective coaching model explaining sports players' satisfaction with leadership and coaching effectiveness.
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Korean Athletes' Self - management Strategies in Practice and Competition 스포츠심리학 : 대학 운동 선수들의 자기관리 전략 : 평소연습과 시합상황의 비교
허정훈HeoJung-Hun , 김병준KimByoung-Jun , 유진YooJin
40(1) 187-198, 2001
Korean Athletes' Self - management Strategies in Practice and Competition 스포츠심리학 : 대학 운동 선수들의 자기관리 전략 : 평소연습과 시합상황의 비교
허정훈HeoJung-Hun , 김병준KimByoung-Jun , 유진YooJin
This study was an attempt to identify 'self-management' strategies used by Koran athletes in practice and during competition. A total of 122 athletes in individual and team sports (91 males, 31 females) responded to open-ended questions designed to examine self-management strategies used in the two performance contexts. Content-analyses of 465 raw data resulted in 28 first-order, 8 second-order, and 5 third-order themes. The third-order themes included (a) behavior management, (b) mental management, (c) physical condition management, (d) lifestyle and relationship management, and (e) others. Responses related to behavior management were ranked at the top for practice situation, while responses regarding mental-management theme was identified most frequently for competition situation. Overall, the results revealed that Korean athletes used a wide range of self-management strategies, ranging from relationship management to behavior management. The findings were discussed in terms of cultural uniqueness of self-management strategies and the extension of current sport psychological skills research to more global self-management strategy in sport psychology.
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Self-discrepancy as an antecedent variable of the competitive state anxiety 스포츠심리학 : 경쟁상태불안의 선행변인으로서 자기불일치
40(1) 199-207, 2001
Self-discrepancy as an antecedent variable of the competitive state anxiety 스포츠심리학 : 경쟁상태불안의 선행변인으로서 자기불일치
The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the possibility that Higgins(1987, 1998)'s self discrepancy theory could be predicted competitive state anxiety in sport situation. His theory postulates that there are at least three domains of self-beliefs important to understanding emotional experience: the actual self-which is a person's representation of the attributes the person believes he or she actually possesses: the ideal self-which is a person's representation of the attributes that self or others would ideally like the person to possess; and the ought self-which is a person's representation of the attributes that self or others believe the person has the duty or obligation to possess.
Most attention to Higgins theory has focused on his hypotheses of how two types of self-discrepancy differentially relate to the negative emotions of anxious and depressive affect. First, Higgins asserts that the actual/ideal discrepancy makes vulnerable to experience dejection-related feelings such as disappointment and dissatisfaction. Second, Higgins asserts that the actual/ought discrepancy increases vulnerability to anxiety-related feelings such as fear of punishment and apprehensiveness.
The subjects were 215 high school archery athletes participating to archery competition CSAI-2 and self-discrepancy scale was used as instrumental tools. In order to test the hypothesis of this study, Correlation, independent-sample t-test, and simple regression analysis was used. Results showed that the actual/ideal and actual/ought discrepancy both predicted competitive state anxiety in sport contexts. Additional findings, issues, future study and implications for the self-discrepancy theory in sports are discussed.
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The Effect of Swimming Exercsie Load on LPO, Reactive Oxygen and Antioxidant Enzymes Activity in Rats 운동생리학 : 수영 부하가 흰쥐의 LPO 와 활성산소 및 항산화효소 활성도에 미치는 영향
40(1) 211-222, 2001
The Effect of Swimming Exercsie Load on LPO, Reactive Oxygen and Antioxidant Enzymes Activity in Rats 운동생리학 : 수영 부하가 흰쥐의 LPO 와 활성산소 및 항산화효소 활성도에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of loaded swimming and unloaded swimming on response of reactive oxygen and antioxidant enzymes activity of hyperlipidemia rats. Sixteen male SD rats(6 weeks old) were randomly divided into loaded swimming group and unloaded swimming group after hyperlipidemia induction for 4 weeks 1% cholesterol diet, and then swam for 6 weeks(7days/week, 30min/day). The loaded swimming group rats swam a lead weight equivalent to 5% of body weight attached to the base of the tail.
Analytical items were lipid peroxidation(malondialdehyde,MDA), reactive oxygen(xanthine oxidase, hydroxyl radical) and antioxidant enzymes(SOD, glutathione, glutathione reductase, glutathione peroxidase) activity.
All data were expressed as mean and standard deviation by using SPSS/PC+ program, and to evaluate the differences between groups, data were analyzed by t-test(α=.05), and post hoc test was performed to test the significant levels of differences between groups.
The conclusions obtained from this study were as follows;
1. In malondialdehyde(MDA), unloaded swimming group indicate lower than loaded swimming group but with no statistical significant, and in xanthine oxidase(XO), unloaded swimming group indicate significantly lower than loaded swimming group(P<0.01), and in hydroxyl radical(HR), unloaded swimming group indicate lower than loaded swimming group but with no statistical signification.
2. In superoxide dismutase(SOD) and glutathione(GSH), unloaded swimming group indicate significantly higher than loaded swimming group(P<0.05), and in glutathione reductase(GRD), unloaded swimming group indicate higher than loaded swimming group but with no statistical signification, and in glutathione peroxidase(GPX), unloaded swimming group indicate significantly higher than loaded swimming group(P<0.01).
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Longitudinal study on the growth of the physique and physical fitness of adolescent soccer players 운동생리학 : 청소년기 축구선수들의 체격 및 체력 요인별 발달에 관한 종단적 연구
이용수LeeYoung-Soo , 하민수HaMin-Soo
40(1) 223-234, 2001
Longitudinal study on the growth of the physique and physical fitness of adolescent soccer players 운동생리학 : 청소년기 축구선수들의 체격 및 체력 요인별 발달에 관한 종단적 연구
이용수LeeYoung-Soo , 하민수HaMin-Soo
The purpose of this study was to investigate physique and physical fitness development of young soccer players for providing the valuable data to prescribe training program Fifty-seven young soccer players(middle school group=32; high school group=25) volunteered to be measured for physique and physical fitness for 3 consecutive years.
1. The growth rate of the physique variables of ages each as followed, respectively; height(14∼15yr=3.9%), body weight(14∼15yr=7.0%), %fat(14yr=20.8%), sitting height(13∼14yr=3.8%), girth of chest(14yr=7.4%), girth of thigh(15yr:left=7.9%, right=7.9%), and girth of calf(15yr:left=6.7%, right=5.9%).
2. The rate of development in the physical fitness variables of ages each were as followed, respectively;
1) Speed : 50m run(14yr=5.8%)
2) Agility : Side step test(15yr=5.7%)
3) Muscular endurance : Sit-up(13∼14yr=8.8%)
4) Cardiopulmonary endurance : 800m run(17∼18yr=5.5%)
5) Power : Vertical jump(13∼14yr=7.0%), Five-bounding jump(15yr=9.0%), Long jump(15yr=1.2%), 25m Hopping(18yr:left=5.3%, right=2.8%)
6) Isokinetic strength of knee at 60 °/sec(13∼14yr:left=extensor(33.9%)/flexor(24.3%) and (17∼18yr:right=extensor(16.0%)/flexor(30.3%)) and 180 °/sec(17∼18yr:left=extensor(38.9%)/flexor(24.5%) and (right=extensor(22.8%)/flexor(15.4%))
7) Maximal oxygen uptake(15yr=15.8%)
8) Ventilatory threshold(17∼18yr=5.2%)
These results may suggest that physique variables were increased at age 14∼15 and that the physical fitness of power, agility, speed are increased at age 14∼15, endurance are at age 16.
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The Acute Effects of Creatine - Glucose Supplementation on Anaerobic Power and Fatigue Index 운동생리학 : 크레아틴-글루코스 복합 투여가 무산소성 파워 및 피로요인에 미치는 영향
김병로KimByung-Roh , 김영길KimYoung-Gil
40(1) 235-244, 2001
The Acute Effects of Creatine - Glucose Supplementation on Anaerobic Power and Fatigue Index 운동생리학 : 크레아틴-글루코스 복합 투여가 무산소성 파워 및 피로요인에 미치는 영향
김병로KimByung-Roh , 김영길KimYoung-Gil
The purpose of this study was to investigate the acute effects of creatine-glucose supplementation on anaerobic power(PP, MP, TP) and fatigue indexes(lactate, ammonia concentration). Nineteen volunteers (creatine-glucose group 7, creatine group 7, glucose group 5) from C university participated in this study. The measurement methods were used 30-s wingate test after 3days and 5days of creatine-glucose supplementation.
The repeated two-way ANOVA was used for data analysis and the results were as follows;
1. There were no significant difference of PP, MP among groups.
2. TP of creatine-glucose group and creatine group was significant higher than that of control group.
3. MP, TP after 5days and 3days supplementation were significant higher than that of pro-supplementation, but there was no significant difference in PP according to time.
4. The concentration of lactate in the creatine-glucose group and creative group were significant higher than that of control group.
5. There was no significant difference in the concentration ammonia according to time and group.
6. There was interaction of TP between group and time, but there was no interaction of PP, MP between group and time.
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The Effect of Repeated Bout of Eccentric Exercise on Isokinetic Peak Torque and VO2max, Blood Lactate Response during incremental submaximal exercise 운동생리학 : Eccentric exercise 에 의한 근 손상이 등속성 근력과 최대하 운동시 VO2gmax 와 혈중 젖산 농도에 미치는 영향
40(1) 245-253, 2001
The Effect of Repeated Bout of Eccentric Exercise on Isokinetic Peak Torque and VO2max, Blood Lactate Response during incremental submaximal exercise 운동생리학 : Eccentric exercise 에 의한 근 손상이 등속성 근력과 최대하 운동시 VO2gmax 와 혈중 젖산 농도에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of eccentric bout on isokinetic peak torque and VO₂max, blood lactate response during incremental submaximal exercise. The eleven physical education female students performed 75 repeated eccentric muscle exercise using Cybex 7000 isokinetic dynamometer at angular velocity of 90degree. One week before exercise the subjects were tested isokinetic peak torque, and exercise metabolic rate using bicycle ergometer to treasure baseline value. This test was repeated two days after eccentric exercise. The results showed that VO₂max expressed in liter/min and PWC75%HRmax significantly increased(P<.05) compared to those of pre-eccentric exercise. The venous blood lactate concentration was shown higher during incremental cycling exercise after eccentric exercise compared with control condition(p<.01). The isokinetic peak torque of damaged leg had decreased 2 days after eccentric exercise but the patterns were different in concentric and eccentric. The concentric peak torque decreased more(p<.01) than eccentric torque(p<.05). The concentric peak torque of undamaged leg also decreased(p<.05) after eccentric bout, which need further investigation in the future.
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Effect of Endurance and Sprint Training on the Change of Myosin Heavy Chain mRNA in the Skeletal Muscles 운동생리학 : 지구력 및 순발력 훈련이 골격근의 Myosin Heavy Chain mRNA 변화에 미치는 영향
두만균DooMan-Guen , 이성호LeeSung-Ho
40(1) 254-264, 2001
Effect of Endurance and Sprint Training on the Change of Myosin Heavy Chain mRNA in the Skeletal Muscles 운동생리학 : 지구력 및 순발력 훈련이 골격근의 Myosin Heavy Chain mRNA 변화에 미치는 영향
두만균DooMan-Guen , 이성호LeeSung-Ho
The purpose of this study was to evaluate of sprint and endurance exercises for 8 week on transformational change of the skeletal myosin heavy chain(MHC) isoforms at transcriptional and translational levels in the hindlimb musculature of Sprague-Dawley rats. All animals were divided into non-exercise control group endurance exercise group, and sprint exercise group. In 2 exercise groups animals received sprint or endurance treadmill training for 8 week. For detecting transcriptional MHC mRNA gene expression this study developed the new cDNA probes of type I and IIb MHC isoforms cloned into E-coli plasmid DNA by using genetic recombinant DNA technique. Northern hybridization technique was adapted to observe change of MHC mRNA expression. After finishing exercise the soleus, medial gastrocnemius(MGC), and tibialis anterior(TA) on the hindlimb were excised, fixed quickly with liquid nitrogen to prevent destruction MHC RNA. Total RNA from these muscles was purified by using lithium urea RNA extraction method. The results of this study were followed as :
1. After endurance or sprint exercise for 8 weeks there was significant reduction of body weight but significant increase of muscle weight and ratio of muscle weight to body weight in all the three muscles weight, which meant these exercises induced muscular hypertrophy.
2. Northern blotting study revealed that MHC type I mRNA expression was increased significantly in endurance exercise group but deceased significantly in sprint exercise group compared the that of control group in the coleus muscle. The MGC and TA muscles showed significant increase of percent ratio of type I mRNA expression in endurance exercise group but minimal change of that in sprint exercise group.
3. MHC type IIb mRNA expression of MGC was decreased significantly in both endurance exercise group and sprint exercise group compared the that of control group, which pattern of mRNA expression elicited by 2 types of exercise was recorded very similarly in the TA muscle also.
From above results it could suggest that different type of exercise induce different transformational shift of mysoin heavy chain mRNA expression followed by the same expressional change of myosin heavy chain protein in the hindlimb musculature of rats.
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The changes of blood pressure, heart rate and blood lactic acidconcentration in short distance athletes as 100m, 200m, 300m and 400m separate and sectional running 운동생리학 : 단거리 육상선수의 구간별 혈압, 심박수 및 혈중젖산농도의 변화
이원재LeeWon-Jae , 박기덕ParkGi-Duck , 최경식ChoiKyung-Sik
40(1) 265-274, 2001
The changes of blood pressure, heart rate and blood lactic acidconcentration in short distance athletes as 100m, 200m, 300m and 400m separate and sectional running 운동생리학 : 단거리 육상선수의 구간별 혈압, 심박수 및 혈중젖산농도의 변화
이원재LeeWon-Jae , 박기덕ParkGi-Duck , 최경식ChoiKyung-Sik
The study of anaerobic ability and threshold has been reported many times. Meanwhile, the study of physiological changes and recovery ability has been rare found. In result, I noticed the need of them, and began to research into these problems.
This is an experiment on 7 athletes and 7 non-athletes at a middle school in Tae-gu, and I let them run helpful to improve the play by analysis of result from blood pressure (S.B.P, D.B.P), heart rate, blood lactic acid concentration by sections(100m, 200m, 300m, 400m), and by analysis of the variable factor by-sections and recovery ability difference between athlete and non-athlete group.
The result of this study are as follows;
1. Blood pressure
(1) In S.B.P, recoverying of all section significant(P< 0.05).
(2) In D.B.P, recoverying of 100m except from significant(P< 0.05).
2 Heart rate In Heart rate, recoverying of all section significant(P< 0.05).
3. Blood lactic acid concentration In blood lactic acid concentration, recoverying of all section significant(P< 0.05).
4. Analysis of records In records, athletic group and non-athletic group to compare with all section of significant(P< 0.05).
5. Analysis section
(1) 100m section of heart rate in recoverying 5, 15, 20 min to significant(P<0.05).
(2) 200m section of lactic acid concentration in recoverying 5, 10, 15 min to significant P<0.05).
(3) 300m section of heart rate in recoverying 5 min, lactic acid concentration to immediately significant(P<0.05).
(4) 400m section of S.B.P in recoverying 15, 20 min to significant(P<0.05).
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The comparative analysis of ache angle and X-ray of chronic low back pain patients 운동생리학 : 만성요통환자의 통증각도와 X- ray 비교 분석
이원재LeeWon-Jae , 박기덕ParkGi-Duck , 조창모ChoChang-Mo
40(1) 275-285, 2001
The comparative analysis of ache angle and X-ray of chronic low back pain patients 운동생리학 : 만성요통환자의 통증각도와 X- ray 비교 분석
이원재LeeWon-Jae , 박기덕ParkGi-Duck , 조창모ChoChang-Mo
The purpose of this study was to analyze ache angle(flexibility, Left-right, Right-left, Rotation-right, Rotation-left), lumboscral lordosis angle and scoliosis angle, when the chronic low back pain patients for women of obese ages 40∼50 adapted three different remedy of the massage, special exercise program.
Thus, the important basic data for the efficient remedy method of the chronic low back pain presents to the orthopedic doctor, physical therapist, and et al.. Subjects were 16 women to feel the chronic low back pain over 6 months.
The results obtained were as follows :
1. Physical ache angle:
1) There was a significant difference for flexion among the three different treatment periods(p<0.05).
2) There was a significant difference for extension among the three different treatment periods(p<0.05).
3) There was a significant difference for Right-left among the three different treatment periods(p<0.05).
4) There was a significant difference for Left-right among the three different treatment periods(p<0.05).
5) There was a significant difference for Rotation-right among the three different treatment periods(p<0.05).
6) There was a significant difference for Rotation-left among the three different treatment periods(p<0.05).
2. X-ray:
1) There was a significant difference for lumboscral lordosis angle among the three different treatment periods(p<0.05).
2) There was a significant difference for lumboscral scoliosis angle among the three different treatment periods(p<0.05).
As the above results, the massage, special exercise program, and chiropractic for chronic lowback pain patients of obesity person can use one of the remedy method. Thus, the important basic data for the efficient remedy method of the chronic low back pain can be considered to present the orthopedic doctor, physical therapist, and et al.
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Analysis of Multiple Evaluation to Marker of Overtraining Syndrome 운동생리학 : 과다훈련 증후군 지표 설정을 위한 다면적 접근
40(1) 286-300, 2001
Analysis of Multiple Evaluation to Marker of Overtraining Syndrome 운동생리학 : 과다훈련 증후군 지표 설정을 위한 다면적 접근
The purpose of this study was analysis of multiple evaluation to overtraining syndrome marker for diagnosis of overtraining. This study was to investigate the change of emotion(profile of mood state), performance(maximal exercise time), sleep(EEG, GH, testosterone, cortisol), energy substrate(blood glucose, lactate, HDL-C, LDL-C, uric acid, ammonia, CPK), oxidative stress(MDA, SOD, catalase), hormone(testosterone, cortisol, T/S ratio, β-endorphin), neurotransmitter(NE, serotornin, dopamin), immune system(CD4, CD8, CD4/CD8 ratio, NK-cell IgA, IgM) following overtraining program for 4week. The subject were 12 male physical education students on H, K university. Overtraining program was composed of baseline training(prepare phase), high intensity training(overtraining phase), regeneration training(recovery phase). Blood samples was drawn from antecubital vein in resting. All data were analyzed by repeated with ANOVA on of SPSS, accepting level for all significances was above α=.05. The results were as follows :
1. The changes of weight and performance following overtraining were significantly decreased.
2 The changes of negative emotion following overtraining were significantly increased.
3. The changes of EEG and hormone during sleep following overtraining were significantly differences.
4. The changes of blood glucose, lactate, ammonia, LDL-C, and CPK following overtraining were significantly differences.
5. The change of MDA, SOD, and catalase following overtraining were significantly differences.
6. The changes of testosterone, cortisol, T/C ratio, and NE were significantly differences.
7. The changes of WBC, CD4 CD4/CD8 ratio, NK-cell, and IgA were significantly differences.
In conclusion, these indexes(blood glucose, lactate, ammonia, LDL-C, CPK, MDA, SOD, catalase, testosterone, cortisol, T/C ratio, NE, WBC, CD4 CD4/CD8 ratio, NK-cell, and IgA) were proposed as markers of for diagnosis of overtraining. Namely, overtraining induced harmful effects on performance, energy substrate, oxidative stress, hormone, and immune system. Therefore, this results suggested that overtraining has associated with increased infectious illness as well as decreased performance in athletes. This results will serve as on outstanding resource for athletes, coaches, and scientists interested in understanding the potential contributing factors and interventions related to overtraining.
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The Effect of Creatine Supplementation in Anaerobic Power and Blood Fatigue Factors
40(1) 301-316, 2001
The Effect of Creatine Supplementation in Anaerobic Power and Blood Fatigue Factors
The major aim of this study was to examine the anaerobic power indices and blood fatigue factors which is limits exercise performance after creatine mono-hydrate supplementation. Futhermore, research is to evaluate the merit of the different creative supplementation method(continuous and intermittent supplementation), and different supplementation amount(0.3g/㎏/ day, 0.15g/㎏/day and placebo). Forty-nine male judoist participated as subjects of this paper. In continuous supplement of creatine, subjects were divided into a) a supplement containing group 0.3g/㎏/day for 3wks, b) a supplement containing group 0.15g/kg/day for 3wks, c) placebo (glucose) containing group 0.3g/㎏/day for 3wks. In intermittent supplement of creative, subjects were divided into a) everyday supplement group 0.3g/㎏/day for 5day, b) 2day interval supplement group, c) 3day supplement group, d) placebo group. Standardized wingate anaerobic power test was measured using a Excalibur bicycle ergometer attached to a computerized. The blood lactate, creatinine, ammonia, CPK and phosphorus concentration was determined by Vitros DT 60 II blood analysis system. Body composition was estimated by bioelectrical impedance technique using Inbody 3.0 automatic system. In the creatine supplement amount, anaerobic power indices was shown a significance difference between three group, in order by 0.3g, 0.15g and placebo group. Blood fatigue factors was positive effect, in order by 0.3g, 0.15g and placebo group. In the creatine supplement interval, anaerobic power indices was significant difference between supplement interval group, in order by everyday, 2day, 3day and placebo group. Blood fatigue factors was significant effect, in order by everyday, 2day, 3day and placebo group. These results suggest 1) creative supplementation of 0.3g/㎏/day was positive effect in anaerobic power indices and blood fatigue components, 2) creatine supplementation of everyday and 2day interval was significant effect in anaerobic power indices and blood fatigue components.
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The Effect of Far Infrared Radiation Sportswear on Isokinetic Shoulder Muscle Strength. 운동생리학 : 원적외선 방사 운동복 착용이 어깨관절의 등속성근력에 미치는 영향
40(1) 317-326, 2001
The Effect of Far Infrared Radiation Sportswear on Isokinetic Shoulder Muscle Strength. 운동생리학 : 원적외선 방사 운동복 착용이 어깨관절의 등속성근력에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to assess the feasibility and the effect of far infrared radiation sportswear on isokinetic shoulder muscle strength in college male students. The subjects were 12 college male students who were all participated in treadmill graded exercise test for placebo and experimental group. Experimental group got on far infrared radiation sportswear and placebo group got on regular sportswear for 15 hours a day during four days respectively. Statistical analysis were performed using analysis of variance t-test and paired t-test, accepting level for all significance was above α=0.05 and α=0.01.
The present data demonstrated that far infrared radiation sportswear led to significant improvement peak torque(P<0.01), percentage of peak torque to body weight(P<0.01) and average power in isokinetic right shoulder muscle strength.
These results suggest far infrared radiation sportswear is effective for the improvement isokinetic shoulder muscle strength.
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A Study on the Frequency of Injury in Skill Performance of Golf 운동생리학 : 골프 운동의 기술수행시 상해빈도에 관한 연구
최은택ChoiEun-taik , 우찬명WooChan-Myeong
40(1) 327-338, 2001
A Study on the Frequency of Injury in Skill Performance of Golf 운동생리학 : 골프 운동의 기술수행시 상해빈도에 관한 연구
최은택ChoiEun-taik , 우찬명WooChan-Myeong
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the frequency of injury in performing skill of golf and to provide golfers with the data which suggest the improvement and security of golfing skill.
To achieve this purpose, a survey is made through questionnaire which consists of 5 categories in which 300 golfers at 10 golf clubs in Seoul and Kyonggi area responded to this person-to-person survey. Frequency analysis by a percentage and statistic verification are made from 246 answers showing valid responses.
Analysis results are as follows :
① The frequency of injury in performing golf skill according to grip use : over-lapping grip 59.3%(p<0.001), (center of right hand is 44.7%, center of left hand is 30.9%)mainly bruise 49.6% are the highest frequency of injury.
② The frequency of injury in swing : in-to-out of orbit 42.3%, degree of understanding in swing mechanism - partial one 66.7%(p<0.001), power distribution of mechanic content distribution 38.2%(p<0.001) are the highest frequency of injury. Motion in orbit : impact 25.2%(p<0.001) and inward pull of club head in take-back 49.6%(p<0.001) are the highest frequency of injury.
③ Way of follow-throw : unstable body movement 34.1%(p<0.001) is the highest frequency of injury. back pain 25.2%(p<0.001), pain when moving 26.0%(p<0.001) are the highest frequency of injury.
④ Way of Finish : high finish body 37.4%(p<0.001) is the highest frequency of injury. back area 25.2%(p<0.001) back pain 28.5%(p<0.001) are the highest frequency of injury.
⑤ The frequency of injury from tool and facilities use : long iron(1,2,3) 43.9%(p<0.001), 2piece 60.2%(p<0.001), wide side of exercise ground 41.5%(p<0.001), artificial turf 64.2% are the highest frequency of injury.
⑥ The frequency of injury according to psychological and environmental factors : fine weather 39.0%(p<0.001), especially, winter 43.9%, average psychological state 55.3%(p<0.001) are the highest frequency of injury.
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A study of Anaerobic Exercise Capacity in Runners 운동생리학 : 운동선수들의 무산소 운동능력에 관한 연구
여남회YeoNam-Hwoeh , 서봉하SeoBong-Ha
40(1) 339-347, 2001
A study of Anaerobic Exercise Capacity in Runners 운동생리학 : 운동선수들의 무산소 운동능력에 관한 연구
여남회YeoNam-Hwoeh , 서봉하SeoBong-Ha
The purposes of this study were : (a) to assess anaerobic exercise capacity in sprinters, middle- and long-distance runners; (b) to investigate relationships among variables; and (c) to use these data as an useful reference for exercise performance. Seven subjects were selected in each event. They performed graded incremental maximal exercise on treadmill. and supramaximal exercise(Wingate test) on computerized bicycle ergometer for 30 seconds. The results of this study were the following ;
1. There were significant differences among runners in total work, mean power, peak power and fatigue index(P<0.01). The best was the sprinters followed by middle and long distance runners.
2. In terms of exercise type, there were no significant differences among runners on blood lactate concentrations during recovery in maximal exercise. However, significant differences between sprinters and middle/long distance runners were found in supramaximal exercise(P<0.05).
3. Although high correlations were found among variables(duration time, V˙O2max, VT, LT & OBLA), HRmax showed low correlations with their variables(P<0.01).
4. There were high correlations among total work, mean power and fatigue index in each groups(P<0.01).
5. There were high negative correlations among aerobic and anaerobic indexes.
The results supported previous finding related to the relationships between aerobic/anaerobic capacity and the exercise type. In addition, this study strongly suggested that aerobic and anaerobic capacities based on event should be considered when we select runners.
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The Effects of Prolonged exercise on Antioxidant Enzymes in genetically hypercholesterolemic strain of rats. 운동생리학 : 유산소 훈련이 유전성 고지혈쥐(RICO)의 항산화효소 반응에 미치는 영향
The Effects of Prolonged exercise on Antioxidant Enzymes in genetically hypercholesterolemic strain of rats. 운동생리학 : 유산소 훈련이 유전성 고지혈쥐(RICO)의 항산화효소 반응에 미치는 영향
The purpose of the present study is to investigate the effects of prolonged exercise training on antioxidant enzymes in genetically hypercholesterolemic strain of rats(RICO).
Thirty five(six weeks old) genetically hypercholesterolemic strains of male rats served as subjects in the experiments. They were divided into five groups: seven control resting (CR), seven control exercise (CE), seven control aged (CA), and seven trained resting (TR), and seven training aged exercise (TAE). TR and TAE groups of the present study participated in a regular training program five times per week for nine weeks, whereas CR, CE, and CA groups did not participate in the training program. Blood sampling were taken at the laboratory of the Department of Laboratory Animal Medicine, Yonsei Medical Research Center and were analyzed for antioxidant enzymes(SOD, GPx, and CAT). The conclusions obtained from this study were as follows;
In the SOD levels, there was a significant difference after regular training program between CA and TR groups and also a significant difference between CE and TAE groups(p<0.0001). The GPx levels were significantly different after a regular training program, whereas CE and TAE groups were slightly decreased after highly intensive exercises. The CAT levels were highly increased after aging and regular training programs, however, there was no significant difference between CA and TR groups and they were significantly increased after highly intensive exercise in the TAE. However, they were slightly increased after highly intensive exercise in the CE(p<0.0001).
In this study, we can conclude that regular exercise training improves antioxidant enzymes in genetically hypercholesterolemic strain of rats. Therefore, we can trace the effects as direct results of the aerobic training. Additional factors such as nonenzymatic antioxidants include vitamin C & E, β-carotene, and GSH(glutathione) might be considered in order to evaluate the intact relationships between immune system and antioxidant system in genetically hypercholesterolemic strain of rats.
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The Effects of Swimming Exercise on Plasma Lipoproteins in Hyperlipidemic Mice 운동생리학 : 수영운동이 정상마우스와 식이에 의한 고지혈증마우스의 혈청 지단백에 미치는 영향
오기숙OhGi-Suk , 이청무LeeChung-Moo
40(1) 356-365, 2001
The Effects of Swimming Exercise on Plasma Lipoproteins in Hyperlipidemic Mice 운동생리학 : 수영운동이 정상마우스와 식이에 의한 고지혈증마우스의 혈청 지단백에 미치는 영향
오기숙OhGi-Suk , 이청무LeeChung-Moo
The purpose of the present study is to analyze the effects of swimming exercise on the changes in body weight, total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and triglyceride (TG) and to provide some basic data for the prevention and cure of hyperlipidemia. For this study, forty-eight 8wk-old female Inbred C57BL/6J (+, n=24) and hyperlipidemic LDLr -/- (-, n=24) mice were assigned to the following eight interventions: normal chow, sedentary (L+, n=6; L-, n=6) or exercised (L+ex, n=6; L-ex, n=6) and cholesterol chow, sedentary (L+chol, n=6; L-chol, n=6) or exercised (L+chol+ex, n=6; L-chol-ex, n=6). Mice in the laboratory were controlled to keep in the indoor temperature at 22±1℃ and set time put on and out lights (A.M. 7:00, P.M 7:00) under condition of SPF (Specific Pathogen Free). Mice were swum twice a day for 1hr during the experimental period in special order manufactured constant temperature water bath with automatic temperature sensor. The weight of subjected mice were measured every week during the study.
The findings through the above study were analysed from the raw data using statistic packaged SAS. The raw data were used for the statistical analysis including ANCOVA (Analysis of Covariance). The results obtained from this study were as follows: 1. After swimming exercise for 8 weeks, the body weight was significantly decreased in the normal dieted normal mice and hyperlipidemic LDLr -/- mice. Also, the increasing effects of body weight in the cholesterol chow dieted hyperlipidemic LDLr -/- were inhibited by the swimming exercise but not in the normal mice dieted cholesterol chow.
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The Effect of the Aerobic Exercise on Circulorespiratory functions, Hormone and QOL in Hypertensive Patients 운동생리학 : 유산소운동이 고혈압환자의 심폐기능과 호르몬 및 생활만족도에 미치는 영향
박상갑ParkSang-Kab , 윤미숙YoonMi-Sook
40(1) 366-377, 2001
The Effect of the Aerobic Exercise on Circulorespiratory functions, Hormone and QOL in Hypertensive Patients 운동생리학 : 유산소운동이 고혈압환자의 심폐기능과 호르몬 및 생활만족도에 미치는 영향
박상갑ParkSang-Kab , 윤미숙YoonMi-Sook
The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes of body composition, blood pressure, circulorespiratory functions, QOL and hormones related controlling blood pressure after 16weeks aerobic exercise. Subjects were composed of twenty old female hypertensive patients. V˙O2max was determined for each subjects by administering a treadmill exercise test. The exercise intensities are decided by regression equations between %HRmax and speed(m/min). Subjects were trained during 16weeks(50%HRmax, 4 frequencies/week, 1 hour). Paired t-test was used to evaluate the difference of the pre and post training. The 0.05 level of significance was as critical level for this study.
The result of this study are as follows ;
1. Weight and %fat were decreased and circulorespiratory function was improved because of increasing in VO2max, VO2max/㎏ after 16weeks aerobic training.
2. Systolic blood pressure and Diastolic blood pressure were decreased after 16weeks aerobic training.
3. As plasma norepinephrine, renin, angiotension II, Aldosterone and α-ANP were decreased, so blood pressure was decreased because of decreasing total peripheral resistance.
4. As the important variable to achieve positive life, aerobic training was shown to positive influence on QOL in hypertensive patients.
In conclusion, aerobic training was shown to positive influence on QOL because blood pressure was decreased according to decease plasma volume and peripheral vascular resistance and it is to be the important variable to achieve positive life in hypertensive patients.
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An Analysis of Determinant Factors of Physical Fitness in Gymnastic Performance for Woman 운동생리학 : 체력요인에 의한 여자체조종목의 경기력 결정요인분석
40(1) 378-386, 2001
An Analysis of Determinant Factors of Physical Fitness in Gymnastic Performance for Woman 운동생리학 : 체력요인에 의한 여자체조종목의 경기력 결정요인분석
This study aims at examining closely by stage what changes there are by analyzing the factor of gymnasts stamina in determination of competition ability for woman.
1. In general, having nothing to do with skill level, while endurance, flexibility, power is very important to the determination of competition ability, the more the skill level goes up, the less important endurance is.
2. According to the first and last stage, stamina demanded by determination of competition ability differs. The more skill level goes up, the more performing ability for locomotion have effect on determination of competition ability than fundamental stamina does.
3. Importance of the factor of stamina that works on the determination of competition ability differs according to skill level. The factor of stamina relatively demanded high for determination of competition ability is shown that endurance in elementary and junior high school athletes has much influence on determination of competition ability, speed in high school athletes. Cardiopulmonary endurance in college athletes.
4. It is shown that out of stamina factors of each stage. Importance of power factor in total variate not only occupies relatively very high position but increases by stage.
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The Effects of aerobic training on lipid peroxidation, GPX and cardiovascular system in SHR 운동생리학 : 장기간 유산소성 훈련이 본태성 고혈압쥐의 심혈관계 변화와 GPX 활성 및 지질과산화에 미치는 영향
우진회WooJin-Hee , 백일영PaikI1-Young , 곽이섭KwakYi-Sub
40(1) 387-397, 2001
The Effects of aerobic training on lipid peroxidation, GPX and cardiovascular system in SHR 운동생리학 : 장기간 유산소성 훈련이 본태성 고혈압쥐의 심혈관계 변화와 GPX 활성 및 지질과산화에 미치는 영향
우진회WooJin-Hee , 백일영PaikI1-Young , 곽이섭KwakYi-Sub
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of aerobic training on MDA, GPX and cardiovascular system using SHR(spontaneously hypertensive rats). To examine the relationship between MDA(malondiadehyde) and blood pressures, we used normotensive Wistar-Kyoto rats(WKY) as a control.
Thirty male rats(six weeks old) were divided into three groups: ten WKY control (WC), ten SHR control (HC), and ten SHR trained (HT). Obtained results were as follows:
In the mean body weight, there was significant differences between HC and HT(p<.05), whereas WC and HT groups did not much differ. In the heart rate and blood pressure, there were significant differences among the three groups(p< .05). In the GPX levels, there was no significant difference(p >.05) among the three groups in the time of resting and at end of the exercise.
In the MDA levels, there was no significant differences(p>.05) among the three groups in the time of resting and at the end of exercise.
In conclusion, For the HC and HT groups, the level of MDA is higher than that of WC, and so we can expect that tissue damage caused by lipid peroxidation affects blood pressure. We can conclude that regular aerobic exercise decreases cardiovascular stress caused by increased antioxidant enzymes activity.
Therefore, we can trace it is the effect of aerobic swimming exercise in SHR. Further study needed in this area.
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Study on the best record exhibition time of shot - put throwing competition during the national track and field events 운동생리학 : 육상 포환던지기 경기중 최고기록 발현시기에 대한 연구
40(1) 398-408, 2001
Study on the best record exhibition time of shot - put throwing competition during the national track and field events 운동생리학 : 육상 포환던지기 경기중 최고기록 발현시기에 대한 연구
The purpose of this study was to find the best time that research the best record exhibition time during the shot-put competition of track and field. And anther purpose was to offer some practical informations of shot-put competition to directors and shot-put athletes.
The subjects of this study were 71(man 36, woman 35) shot-put athletes who passed elimination at national track and field events.
The results were as follows;
First, Both man and woman exhibited that the first throw record during elimination and final was the most lowest(p<.0001)
Second, both man and woman exhibited that the third throw record of three throws during elimination was higher than the first and second throw.
Third, man exhibited that the third throw record during final was the most highest.
Fourth, woman exhibited that the second throw record during final was the most highest.
Fifth, both man and woman shot-put athletes exhibited three types of record change during shot-put competition.
From these results, I guessed that the first time's throw during shot-put competition imposed the largest burden on shot-put athletes and this psychological burden result in decreasing the record of shot-put throw.
By the way, if the first throw record of elimination were good, shot-put athletes could practice their remaining opportunity with great composure and with confidence. So I think it is important for shot-put athletes to find the method that make the first throw record satisfactorily.
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Responses to Cardiorespiratory Function and Upper Body Muscle fatigue during Maximal Arm Ergometer Exercise in Wheelchair Basketball Players 운동생리학 : 최대 암에르고미터 운동시 휠체어 농구선수의 심폐 기능과 상지근 피로도 반응
정영수ChungYoung-Soo , 신창호ShinChang-Ho
40(1) 409-419, 2001
Responses to Cardiorespiratory Function and Upper Body Muscle fatigue during Maximal Arm Ergometer Exercise in Wheelchair Basketball Players 운동생리학 : 최대 암에르고미터 운동시 휠체어 농구선수의 심폐 기능과 상지근 피로도 반응
정영수ChungYoung-Soo , 신창호ShinChang-Ho
The purpose of this study is to investigate the cardiorespiratory function, upper body muscle fatigue in wheelchair basketball players(WBP), and compare these variables with able-bodied wheelchair basketball players(AB-WBP). Eleven paraplegic and nine able-bodied wheelchair basketball players were participated in this study. All subjects completed 3-min stage graded maxim arm crank ergometer exorcise(ACE), with exercise intensity increased 15 watts emery 3 minutes, During the ACE, cardiorespiratory function(HR, absolute arts relative ◎O₂peak, VE, RQ VT), and muscle fatigue(MPF, MF) were analyzed by auto gas analyzer and EMG, respectively. The result are as follows.
First, cardiorespiratory function analysis demonstrated that in the comparison of WBP and AB-WBP, although some WBPs have higher cardiorespiratory function than AB-WBP, total mean values of AB-WBP were slightly higher than these of WBP.
Second EMG analysis which was used to identify upper body's fatigue demonstrated that there were no significant differences in MPE and MF between WBP and AB-WBP.
In summary, this study supports the conclusion that continuous wheelchair training participation is one of the most effective methods to maintain daily manual wheelchair propulsion avoiding the risks of cardiorespiratory restrict and muscle fatigue.
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Effect of ornithine a - ketoglutarate administration on ammonia comcenturation in blood during submaximal exercise 운동생리학 : 최대하 운동시 Ornithine a - ketoglutarate 섭취가 혈중 암모니아 농도에 미치는 효과
Effect of ornithine a - ketoglutarate administration on ammonia comcenturation in blood during submaximal exercise 운동생리학 : 최대하 운동시 Ornithine a - ketoglutarate 섭취가 혈중 암모니아 농도에 미치는 효과
The purpose of this study was to estimate that OKG(ornithine α-ketoglutarate)administration would work to dalay fatigue and improve the capacity of exercise performance effectively by restraining increase of ammonia concentration in blood known as fatigue factor of acting muscles. Ten male students majoring physical education in Y university in Kyeng gi province were participated as subjects of this study and OKG 5g solved in distilled water 300㎖ were administrated to them and submaximal exercise was executed by using 20minutes of 70% VO₂max intensity to cycle ergometer. Experimental conditions of OKG administration and placebo administration were the same and randomized ingestion were used. The second experiment after first experiment was executed by the term of one week. Blood sample was carried out by inserting catheters into ante cudital veins of the subjects. The time of inserting catheters was earlier OKG administration and the time of blood sampling were just before OKG administration, 50minutes after OKG administration, 5minutes, 10minutes, 15minutes, 20minutes(just after exercise) recovered 10minutes and 30minutes and at every eight each time, 10㎖ blood was taken.
The results are as follows after analysing ammonia, glutamate, glutamine, ornithine in blood and changes of heart rates according to OKG administration. When OKG administration was carried out, compared with placibo administration, there was significant decrease in ammonia concentration(P $lt;0.05) Glutamate, glutamine and ornithine concentration in blood were(also) increased significantly when OKG administration was carried out. There were not so big chances between OKG administration and placebo administration. In conclusion, it was certain that OKG administration can restrain ammonia concentration in blood during submaximal exercise.
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The effect on physiological and psychological variable after exercise participation of obese adolescents. 운동생리학 : 비만청소년의 운동참가가 생리·심리적 변인에 미치는 영향
성봉주SungBong-Ju , 강성구KangSung-Goo
40(1) 429-439, 2001
The effect on physiological and psychological variable after exercise participation of obese adolescents. 운동생리학 : 비만청소년의 운동참가가 생리·심리적 변인에 미치는 영향
성봉주SungBong-Ju , 강성구KangSung-Goo
The purpose of this study is to identify the health related physiological variables and physiological variable’s change through an consecutive aerobic exercise(swimming) and to examine a relationship between psychological variables and physiological variables. for this study, 32 obese male-student of middle school in Seoul were chosen as subjects. Each group(Exercise & Control) is consisted of 16 members. An Exercise group has participated in swimming in VO2max50∼60%, 50∼60(min/session) and 3 times/week for 8 weeks. The physiological and psychological variables were measured at the baseline, 4weeks and 8weeks. Research design applied 2(exercise group and control group)×3(pre-session, middle-session, post-session) two mixed design. The results obtained from these procedure indicated that the consecutive aerobic exercise(swimming) positively impacted on physiological variables such as body weight, %body fat and VO2max and psychological variables such as Vigor, Depression, Tension and self-esteem. As a relation between psychological variables and physiological variables, between body weight, % body fat and VO2max and Vigor and Depression showed a meaningful relativity.
This study not only will be expected that consecutive aerobic exercise gave obese adolescents psychological and physiological effect in clinical and preventing medical but also will be used as motivational factor so that obese adolescents can exercise.
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Effect of 12 weeks Combined Running and Muscular Resistance Exercise on Physical Fitness in Obese Female 운동생리학 : 런닝과 근저항 복합운동이 20 대 비만여성의 체력에 미치는 영향
나재철NaJae-Chul , 서해근SeoHae-Geun
40(1) 440-447, 2001
Effect of 12 weeks Combined Running and Muscular Resistance Exercise on Physical Fitness in Obese Female 운동생리학 : 런닝과 근저항 복합운동이 20 대 비만여성의 체력에 미치는 영향
나재철NaJae-Chul , 서해근SeoHae-Geun
This study was designed to investigate effect of combined running and muscular resistance training in physical fitness. The subjects of study were 6 obese female in their twenties who had not taken will in ordinary days and had not gone through regular training. The above subjects were measured by body composition, health related fitness and skill related fitness pre and post 12 weeks training. During the 12 week trains period, subjects participated in more than 20 min of aerobic running four times a week at the intensity of 60%HRmax, and the method of muscular resistance exercise during 12 weeks was established to practice the training of 3 sets through repeated frequency of 30-35 times with the loading of the load was gradually increased by remeasuring 1RM(repetition maximum) every 2 weeks. The results obtain were as follows; Body weight, W/H ratio, and %Fat decreased significantly as a result of 12 weeks training. Grip strength, Arm strength, Leg strength, Back muscular strength, sit up, Trunk flexion, and VO2max/㎏ increased significantly after the training. In the change of standing board jump, side step, and Closed eyes foot balance showed significant increase after training.
From these results, it may be concluded that 12 weeks´combined running and muscular resistance exercise improves body composition, health-related fitness, and skill-related fitness in obese female.
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Effects of Isokinetic Exercise Prescrpition on the Improvement of Thigh Muscle Function and Blood Flow Velocity after Knee Joint Postoperative 운동생리학 : 슬관절 재건술후 등속성 운동이 대퇴위 근기능 개선 및 혈류속도에 미치는 효과
40(1) 448-461, 2001
Effects of Isokinetic Exercise Prescrpition on the Improvement of Thigh Muscle Function and Blood Flow Velocity after Knee Joint Postoperative 운동생리학 : 슬관절 재건술후 등속성 운동이 대퇴위 근기능 개선 및 혈류속도에 미치는 효과
This study was to examine the effect of individual exercise prescription on the improvement of thigh muscle function after knee joint postoperative, Subjects were ten male patients. Test group were characterized as follows: the injured side leg(ISL) using the workload speeds of 30o/sec(muscle strength measurement), 120o/sec(mean power and total work measurement); and normal side leg(NSL). ISL was exercised five times a weeks for eight week by using the isokinetic training machine(kin-com). The relationship between the changes in the measuring variable for each assessment period was analyzed. Significant differences occurred of muscle strength, mean power, total work values in isokinetic measurement period during the 8week exercise(p$lt;.05). Immediately after 8 weeks exercise, the measurement values showed all the difference between ISL and NSL Cross setional area of thigh showed significant(p$lt;.05) increase of 3,65% in I.S.L Blood flow velocity showed significant(p$lt;.01) increase of -18.8% in I.S.L during 8week isokinetic exercise.
According to this results, the muscle function of knee joint patient showed high improvement through individual isokinetic exercise of 8 weeks, but for the balance of muscle function suggested to continuous long-term isokinetic exercise prescription.
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Research on the characteristics of leg extension power and isokinetic strength in ball game player and martial art players 운동생리학 : 구기선수 및 투기선수들의 다리신전파워와 등속성 근력특성에 관한 연구
Research on the characteristics of leg extension power and isokinetic strength in ball game player and martial art players 운동생리학 : 구기선수 및 투기선수들의 다리신전파워와 등속성 근력특성에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to compare characteristics of strength and leg power during maximal isokinetic strength (30deg/sec) and leg extension power in different types sports-the ball game (badminton, handball, rugby, volleyball) and martial art (boxing, judo, taekwondo). Subjects were fifty-two college ball game players and forty college martial art players.
Results were as follows ;
First, leg extension total power of the ball game group were significantly higher than the martial art, but no difference relative value to body weight.
Second, leg extension power of force factor in the ball game group were significantly higher than the martial art, but no difference leg extension power of speed factor.
Third, maximal isokinetic strength on extension and flexion by right and left leg of the ball game group were significantly higher than the martial art, but no difference relative value to body weight.
These findings support the idea that the importance of strength or power, the factor of physical fitness demanding to the characteristic of sport events.
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The Influence of Aging on Obesity , Life Style and Blood Component 운동생리학 : 소아의 가령 (加齡) 과 비만도에 따른 혈중 성분의 변화
40(1) 471-480, 2001
The Influence of Aging on Obesity , Life Style and Blood Component 운동생리학 : 소아의 가령 (加齡) 과 비만도에 따른 혈중 성분의 변화
This research was carried out for investigating the Influence of aging on obesity, life style and blood Component in pediatrics. This study subjects were 1089 pediatrics who reside in Chongju City, Korea. Weight and height for body mass index(BMI) were measured and blood components were measured by each blood analysis method. Questionnaire was administered for their physical characteristics and life style included physical activity and diet habit.
The result of the research can be summarized as follows.
1. The mean BMI did not show any significant difference for male and finale. for male, sixth had the highest BMI, and for female, seventh had highest BMI.
2. The mean total cholesterol, WBC RBC level decreased with age. And The mean plastocyte, uric acid level increased with age.
3. The blood glucose did not show any differences according to BMI for male and female. But hemoglobin, uric acid increased significantly according to BMI. And total cholesterol, WBC, RBC, plastocyte decreased.
4. The total cholesterol, blood glucose, hemoglobin WBC, RBC, plastocyte uric acid did not show any differences according to BMI for male and female.
As the results of this study, For A study of sustaining and developing of health, Author confirmed that it could be the assistant. And For sustain and development of health, we have concerned and consciousness of health with pediatrics.
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Comparisons of aerobic capacity and exercise - induced responses of blood lactate and ammonia concentration according to the different exercise types between modern pentathlon and taekwondo athletes 운동생리학 : 근대 5 종 및 태권도선수의 심폐기능과 운동유형별 혈중 젖산 및 암모니아종도 변화의 비교
40(1) 481-489, 2001
Comparisons of aerobic capacity and exercise - induced responses of blood lactate and ammonia concentration according to the different exercise types between modern pentathlon and taekwondo athletes 운동생리학 : 근대 5 종 및 태권도선수의 심폐기능과 운동유형별 혈중 젖산 및 암모니아종도 변화의 비교
The purpose of this study was analyzed the comparison of aerobic capacity and the differences of blood lactate and ammonia responses to the different exercise types between modern pentathlon and taekwondo players.
The level of aerobic capacity of modern pentathlon group showed a superior to the level of taekwondo group as the results of graded exercise test. Increasing pattern of modern pentathlon group showed a significant higher(P$lt;0.05) than taekwondo group in the changes of blood lactate concentration after high intensity intermittent exercise, but it is no significant difference between two groups during 1 hour submaximal exercise. Increasing pattern of blood ammonia concentration showed a no significant difference between two groups after high intensity intermittent exercise and 1 hour submaximal exercise, respectively. Changes of blood lactate and ammonia concentrations showed a different increasing pattern between a high intensity intermittent exercise and 1 hour submaximal exercise, and it could be suggested that aerobic capacity related to ATP resynthesis is correlated to the ammonia accumulation after high intensity shortterm exercise.
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Effects of Electromyostimulation and Weight Training on Muscle Morphology and Function 운동생리학 : 전기자극과 웨이트 트레이닝이 외측광근의 형태 및 슬관절 근기능에 미치는 영향
원광회WonKwang-Hee , 김찬KimChan , 김창근KimChang-Keun
40(1) 490-498, 2001
Effects of Electromyostimulation and Weight Training on Muscle Morphology and Function 운동생리학 : 전기자극과 웨이트 트레이닝이 외측광근의 형태 및 슬관절 근기능에 미치는 영향
원광회WonKwang-Hee , 김찬KimChan , 김창근KimChang-Keun
A possible role of electrically induced involuntary muscle contraction (EMS) to improve muscle function examined on muscle endurance, strength, morphological adaptation in eight healthy males and compared to age-matched weight training group (WT).
A general therapetical stimulator (Endomed 433, Netherlands) was used for EMS training and trained one leg curl and extension at 70% of MVC. Mean cross sectional area tended to slightly reduction in type I and type IIx fibers, but no measurable change occurred in type IIa fibers after four week of EMS training. No alteration or remained in type I and type IIa fibers, but reduced in type IIx fibers after weight training.
Muscle strength and endurance were remained or slightly reduced in EMS, whereas remained or slightly increased in WT.
In conclusion, electrically induced muscle contraction may not only improve muscle function, but the intensity at 70% of MVC may not proper intensity to limit muscle atrophy in healthy muscle.
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A Kinematic Analysis of the Inside - kick service and Toe - kick service in Sepaktakraw 운동역학 : 세팍타크로 inside - kick 서비스와 toe - kick 서비스 동작의 운동학적 분석
고문석KoMoon-Seok , 송주호SongJu-Ho , 이경일Leekyung-il
40(1) 501-510, 2001
A Kinematic Analysis of the Inside - kick service and Toe - kick service in Sepaktakraw 운동역학 : 세팍타크로 inside - kick 서비스와 toe - kick 서비스 동작의 운동학적 분석
고문석KoMoon-Seok , 송주호SongJu-Ho , 이경일Leekyung-il
The purpose of this study is to identify the mechanical principle of the inside-kick service and toe-kick service in sepaktakraw through kinematic data. Three subject of top class players in the study took part in current competition in korea, Two S-VHS video cameras set in 180fieldes/sec were used for recording from end of back swing to follow through motion in service. After filming and digitizing the service motion, the Direct Linear Transformation(DLT) technique was employed to obtain 3-D position coordinates(Abel-Aziz & Kararah, 1971), cubic spline function was used for smoothing and differentiation and the time, center of mass, velocity, angle and angular velocity were calculated. The result of this study can be summarized as follows.
1. In the 1st phase and 3rd, inside-kick service took longer time to perform than toe-kick service did. But, in the 2nd phase, toe-kick service took shorter time.
2. On displacement of the body center, measurements of both horizontal and vertical displacement of inside-kick service were revealed a little bigger. But, measurement of front and hind measurement of toe-kick service were appeared bigger.
3. The speed of leg was accelerated consecutively the thigh the shank, the foot in order and the highest measurement of the leg speed was showed before impact. 4. The hip joint angle of both inside-kick service and toe-kick service were significantly decreased. At the moment of impact on horizontal line of the thigh, inside-kick service didn't show a change of the ankle angle. On the contrary, toe-kick service antre angle increased continually.
5. The hip joints angular velocities of both inside-kick service and toe-kick service deceased continually. Knee joint and the ankle's angular velocities showed their highest value before and after impact.
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A development RAM-based 3 dimensional motion analysis system 운동역학 : RAM(random access memory)-based 3 차원 동작분석 시스템 개발
김형수KimHyung-Soo , 이현섭LeeHyun-Seob
40(1) 511-518, 2001
A development RAM-based 3 dimensional motion analysis system 운동역학 : RAM(random access memory)-based 3 차원 동작분석 시스템 개발
김형수KimHyung-Soo , 이현섭LeeHyun-Seob
In this study, We realized the hardware and software for RAM-based motion analysis system. In RAM-based motion analysis system, the stability of hardware can be improved and it is also expected to improve the function of software. The system realized in this study showed high0 static precision and accuracy, and it also showed high dynamic precision and accuracy.
In marker detection, The ratio of success of this system was 92% and over.
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The Effects of Tendon Loading on Intertarsal Joint Movement in vitro 운동역학 : 사체조건에서 힘줄부하가 발뼈사이관절 움직임에 미치는 영향
김승재KimSeung-Jae , 신제민ShinJe-Min , 최지영ChoiJi-Young
40(1) 519-530, 2001
The Effects of Tendon Loading on Intertarsal Joint Movement in vitro 운동역학 : 사체조건에서 힘줄부하가 발뼈사이관절 움직임에 미치는 영향
김승재KimSeung-Jae , 신제민ShinJe-Min , 최지영ChoiJi-Young
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of tendon loading on intertarsal joint movement. Specifically, the purposes were to study the effect of (a) isolated tibialis posterior tendon loading and (b) loading all principal tendons of the ankle joint complex on intertarsal joint movement in vitro. Ten leg specimens, which were exarticulated at the knee joint level, were used for this study. The foot and leg were mounted in the apparatus which consisted mainly of a foot plate, tibial rod, and pulley system. The experiment was performed under two main conditions. The one was to apply loads only to the tibialis posterior tendon without loading any principal tendons of foot and another was to apply loads to the tibialis posterior tendon with loading any principal tendons of foot. The three-dimensional positions of the bone pin markers wore collected using four MAC HSC-250 high speed video cameras. Using this procedure, two main kinematic variables were calculated: the talocalcaneal joint angle about an anteroposterior axis and the talonavicular joint angle about an anteroposterior axis.
In the talocalcaneal joint movement, it was generally shown that 1) the larger axial tibial loads produces smaller movement then the smaller loads throughout all the tibialis posterior loads without and with principal tendon loading, 2) the larger tibialis posterior loads produced larger angular values (more inversion) than smaller loads, 3) the condition with principal tendon loading of the foot resulted in much smaller ROM compared to the condition without principal tendon loading. In the talonavicular joint movement, it was generally shown that talonavicular joint movement possessed similar characteristics as the talocalcaneal joint. However, the ROM of the talonavicular joint was approximately two times larger than that of the talocalcaneal joint.
In conclusion, when this in vitro study is considered with meaning related to practical situations, among several muscle-tendon units producing foot and ankle joint complex movement the contraction of tibialis posterior muscle-tendon unit can make a great contribution to the motion of eversion-inversion(or pronation-supination) as well as the formation of the foot arch during walking or running. Also, as the intertarsal joint movement is influenced by whether or not there is the contraction of muscle-tendon units producing foot and ankle joint complex movement, the interpretation of in vitro and in vivo study like this should be needed to have a serious consideration.
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Effect of Ornithine 2-Oxoglutarate administration on blood lactic acid and LDH, ALT activity during submaximal exercise 운동영양학 : Ornithine 2-oxoglutarate 섭취가 최대하 운동중 혈중 젖산농도 및 LDH , ALT 활성도에 미치는 영향
Effect of Ornithine 2-Oxoglutarate administration on blood lactic acid and LDH, ALT activity during submaximal exercise 운동영양학 : Ornithine 2-oxoglutarate 섭취가 최대하 운동중 혈중 젖산농도 및 LDH , ALT 활성도에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this paper was to estimate a blood lactic acid and LDH, ALT activity by administration the OKG for submaximal exercise. Ten male in physical education was participated as a subject of this study. This experimental design was used to double-blind method by OKG and placebo, that of 20minutes to cycle ergometer. The results are as follows;
1. Blood lactic acid concentration of OKG administration was decreased, there was significantly different between OKG and placebo.
2. Blood plasma glutamate, ornithine, alanine concentration of OKG administration was increased, there was significantly different between OKG and placebo.
3. ALT, LDH activity of OKG administration was increased from exercise 10minutes after, there was no significantly different between OKG and placebo.
4. Heart rate is similar to OKG and placebo administration
In conclusion, OKG administration was effective deceased blood lactic acid from pyruvate return into alanine in submaximal exercise test, in additional will predict enhance to exercise performance. Therefore, it has been suggested that OKG administration was effect of blood lactic acid to decrease, For further research, I think that 2-oxoglutarate concentration and enzyme activity are needed to experiment muscle biopsy and rat.
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Effects of Caffeine and / or Carnitine Chronic Administration on Energy Substrates Utilization in Trained Rats
40(1) 542-549, 2001
Effects of Caffeine and / or Carnitine Chronic Administration on Energy Substrates Utilization in Trained Rats
Caffeine co-ingested with carnitine administration enhances endurance performance by increasing fat oxidation during exercise in athletes and in rats. In the present study, we examined the effects of carnitine co-ingested with caffeine chronic administration on energy substrates utilization and glycogen levels in liver and muscle during exercise in rats. Ninety-six male Sprague-Dawley rats (6wk of age) were used. Rats were divided and pair-fed high fat diet (Cont), 0.2%W/W of carnitine (Car), 0.5%W/W of caffeine (Caff) and carnitine + caffeine co-ingestion (Com) groups. In addition, they were exercised by running on a treadmill at 27m/min, 7 degree of incline, 30min/day, and 5d/wk for 4 wk. The plasma glycerol and FFA levels during the exercise were higher in Caff group than in Con group, but not in Com group. The glycogen content in liver and gastrocnemius muscle during exercise were higher in Caff and Com groups than in Cont group. These results suggest that ingestion of carnitine and/or caffeine might have glycogen-sparing effect by increasing, fat oxidation during, exercise.
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Analysis of Leader Behavior Type of Leaders according to Specific Property of Judo Group 스포츠교육학 : 유도 집단 특성에 따른 지도행동 유형분석
40(1) 553-562, 2001
Analysis of Leader Behavior Type of Leaders according to Specific Property of Judo Group 스포츠교육학 : 유도 집단 특성에 따른 지도행동 유형분석
The purpose of this study to analyze of leader behavior type of leaders according to specific property of judo group. The investigation method of this paper was collecting the questionnaires given to 528 players. The data was analyzed through the ANOVA, Multivariate Analysis of Variable(MANOVA) in SPSS, the general statistics program. The specific result was like followings.
The result of this study are as follows.
First, The female group players of university showed the highest satisfaction to the leader’s democratic and social support behavior.
Second, The non-elite group players of university showed the highest satisfaction to the leader’s positive feedback behavior, whereas those of high school the lowest satisfaction to the leaders autocratic behavior.
Third, The elite group players of university showed the highest satisfaction to the leader’s democratic behavior, the non-elite group players of university showed the highest satisfaction to the leader’s positive feedback and the adult non-elite group players to the training & instruction, autocratic and social support behavior.
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A study about course evaluation of instruction of the ski-class 스포츠교육학 : 스키수업 참가자의 수업평가에 관한 연구
40(1) 563-575, 2001
A study about course evaluation of instruction of the ski-class 스포츠교육학 : 스키수업 참가자의 수업평가에 관한 연구
Professor try to achieve a goal of education through the classes. Educators and professional researchers had been devoted to improving course instructions. To improve the quality of the course, the instructor may include a student course evaluation. If the instructor is aware that they will be evaluated by the student, they will try to get evaluation So that it could be expected that the quality of the course will improve. The purpose of this study is to understand the interaction relationship among the course evaluation, learning inclination of the student, participation, and grade.
A sample survey of this study was conducted among university students in a ski-class located at Seoul in 1999. Out of the 350 surveys collected, 304 were used. 46 were omitted from the study because of abnormal and worthless information. The statistical analysis method used for testing the hypotheses were simple regression analysis method, multiple regression analysis and correlation analysis.
Results obtained through these methods and procedures were as following;
First, the course evaluation is affected by the student learning inclination.
Second, the degree of student participation in ski-class has a little influence on class evaluation. And the frequency of participation has influence on a reciprocal action. The period of participation has an influence grade and a reciprocal action.
Third, the course evaluation is affected by the students actual grade but not by the students expected-grade.
Conclusively, the course evaluation is affected by learning inclination, participation, and grade. Expecially among them students learning inclination is closely related with course evaluation of instruction. By result from these factors, it could be concluded that the evaluation level reached depends on student participation.
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Middle School Students Perception of Equity of Gender and Behavioral Changes by Applying Physical Education Class Strategies of Equity of Gender 스포츠교육학 : 성평등체육수업전략의 적용을 통한 중학교 남녀학생들의 성평등 인식과 행동변화
40(1) 576-588, 2001
Middle School Students Perception of Equity of Gender and Behavioral Changes by Applying Physical Education Class Strategies of Equity of Gender 스포츠교육학 : 성평등체육수업전략의 적용을 통한 중학교 남녀학생들의 성평등 인식과 행동변화
The purpose of this study is to explore middle school male-female students perception of equity of gender and behavioral changes by applying physical education class strategies of equity of gender which is reorganized concept and frame work proposed by sports education model. Author has utilized qualitative research method and ethnographic case study.
Research sample responses are 37 students class and teach who is in charge of that class in Seoul, public middle school. As research tools, focus group research, descriptive research, in depth interview, VTR filming, secondary research and open questionnaire have employed for this project. Analysis of this project, since information has collected monitoring among interviewees members, interviewees discussion and triangulation method have employed to confirm better result of analysis.
Conclusion of this project is as follow as belows:
First, sports gaming ability has improved by applying physical education class strategy of equity of gender, and participated team members have recognized their potential ability and Understanding of gender through the process of coordinate with different gender team members.
Second, ranges of change in equity of gender by applying physical education class strategies of equity of gender, it resulted encouraging opposite gender players within the team, behave constructively, and negotiating. Male students positive and participative behavior influence female students who used to negative, non-participative to encourage having motive to be more participative.
Third, influential elements of cognition of equity of gender and behavioral change are modified game rules and procedures of the game, organizing medley race, in dependent referees at the implementing physical education class strategies of equity of gender.
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Setting Health-related Physical Fitness Criterion Standard & Developing Internet Resources for College Women 체육측정평가 : 여자대학생 건강체력 평가 모형 2
조정환ChoJung-hwan , 남은경NamEung-yung
40(1) 591-600, 2001
Setting Health-related Physical Fitness Criterion Standard & Developing Internet Resources for College Women 체육측정평가 : 여자대학생 건강체력 평가 모형 2
조정환ChoJung-hwan , 남은경NamEung-yung
The purposes of this study was to establish health-related physical fitness criterion-referenced standards(CRS) and to develop internet resources for university women. CRS may be used to asses college women as exercise or sedentary type on the health-related physical fitness tests. Internet resources may be lead to a improvement in knowledge and attitude of physical activity, exercise, physical fitness, sports for college women. In the pilot study(Cho, 1999), 4 health-related physical fitness test items were suggested as effective as the original set of variables for seperating the groups. Also, subjects in exercise and sedentary group were correctly classified at over 95%. Cross-validation of discriminant function coefficient[D= -7.643+.037(sit & reach)+.035(torso lift)+.405(flexed-arm hang)+.771(plush up)] on an independent sample of college women(N=67) suggested stability of the coefficient for health-related physical fitness. The contrasting groups method(Berk, 1976; Safrit & Wood, 1990)yielded the following criterion cutoff scores that classified college females as exercise or sedentary on the basis of health-related physical fitness: grip strength 25㎏ torso lift 81㎏, flexed-arm hang 10sec., 90-degree push up 8 times, 1-minute situps 44 times, 9-minutes run 1560m, sit & reach 44 score, percent body fat 26%. Developed internet resources(http://www.familyactive, provides concepts, informations, standards for physical activity, exercise, physical fitness, sports, lifestyle. This site is intended to help college women make important decisions about personal exercise program and to help them develop a healthy life-style for now and in the future.
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Assessment of Daily Living - Related Physical Function in Korean Elderly 체육측정평가 : 고령자의 일상생활관련 신체기능의 특징 및 평가척도 작성
40(1) 601-613, 2001
Assessment of Daily Living - Related Physical Function in Korean Elderly 체육측정평가 : 고령자의 일상생활관련 신체기능의 특징 및 평가척도 작성
The purposes of this study were to develop an equation for daily living-related determining physical function, and to examine the cross-validation of the physical function age (PFA) equation using a different subject group. One hundred Korean elderly women and men (age range 55 to 82 years) volunteered for this study. Each participants signed an informed consent and completed a written questionnaire requesting information about their health, functional status, and physical activity level. The physical function items represent body composition (waist hip ratio), cardiovascular endurance (800 m walking), flexibility (sit and reach), muscular strength/endurance (arm curls, sit and down of chair), balance (balancing on one leg with eyes open), and agility (agility course). The results of physical characteristics and physical function tests are expressed as mean values standard deviations. Each 8 physical function tasks representing activity of daily living had to demonstrate a significant correlation with age. In order to reduce the 8 items to a single score, the correlation matrix for the 8 items including age was subjected to principal component analysis. The main idea of this analysis is to reduce the dimensionality of a data set, which consists of a large number of interrelated variables, while retaining as much as possible the variation present in the data set. The first principal component was used as the best single descriptor of total daily living-related physical function tasks. The first principal component scores were computed for each subject. Because the scores generated by the principal component analysis were expressed in dimensionless units, it was considered desirable to convert these scores to units of ages. It was confirmed that the estimated PFA were symmetrically scattered above and below the line of identity (i.e., Age = PFA). In the cross-validation group, significant difference existed between PFA of women and PFA of men. Therefore, the PFA equation was considered useful in assessing functional fitness of daily living in the Korean elderly.
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Fairness of the College Entrance Performance Assessment in Physical Education and Dance Departments 체육측정평가 : 예(藝), 체능계(體能系) 입시(入試) 실기평가(實技評價)의 공정성(公正性) ; Rasch 모형(模型)의 적용(適用)
40(1) 614-629, 2001
Fairness of the College Entrance Performance Assessment in Physical Education and Dance Departments 체육측정평가 : 예(藝), 체능계(體能系) 입시(入試) 실기평가(實技評價)의 공정성(公正性) ; Rasch 모형(模型)의 적용(適用)
Holistic method relies heavily on performance assessment multiple judges in physical education and dance. However, the assessment itself can be influenced by the judge’s severity and inconsistency unlike the athletic and dance performance measures. The purpose of the study was to investigate the raters errors influencing on performance assessment in physical education and dance and to suggest the way to improve the fairness of assessment. by examining the difference of judge’s severity and inconsistency between the holistic and analytic methods using the many-faceted Rasch measurement model on the data from the Taekwondo and dance competitions which were very similar with college entrance performance examination. The data consisted of 5 judges’s evaluations of 772 Taekwondo players and 760 dance performers. The many-faceted Rasch measurement model was used to calibrate the judge's scores, and 3 facets - judge, type of performance, and subject's performance were defined Judges’s severity and inconsistency were examined by Infit and Outfit statistics and reliability of separation statistic. Results showed that there were significant differences (p $lt; 0.001) among the levels of judges’severities and among the difficulty levels of performance types regardless of assessment methods (holistic and analytic) and assessment objects (Taekwondo and dance performers). However, some of the judges inconsistently assessed the Taekwondo and dance performances.
It was suggested that analytic method is more effective than holistic method to apply for the college entrance performance examination of the physical education and dance departments where the fairness of evaluation is most important.
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A Comparative Study of College Baseball League Related to Division System in Korea, Japan and U.S.A.
Jeon Yong Bae
40(1) 633-643, 2001
A Comparative Study of College Baseball League Related to Division System in Korea, Japan and U.S.A.
Jeon Yong Bae
The purpose of this study was to examine and explore the league game system of college baseball and suggest an alternative system in Korea. This paper examined also the systems that come into operation in NCAA and Japan for college baseball. The paper attempted to discuss a practical game system and endeavors to imply possible solutions related to operational problems for college baseball. For Korean college baseball to be more a successful league, it has to reform the current tournament system into a full league system in the regular season. This was considered one of the most crucial reforms, It was also strongly suggested that the number of games in the regular season should be more than 30 games, comparable to college baseball of the NCAA and Japan.
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Chinese Market and Soccer Marketing Strategy 스포츠산업, 경영 : 중국 시장과 Soccer Marketing 전략
엄태성LimTae-sung , 김화섭KimWha-Sup , 채재성ChiJae-Sung
40(1) 644-656, 2001
Chinese Market and Soccer Marketing Strategy 스포츠산업, 경영 : 중국 시장과 Soccer Marketing 전략
엄태성LimTae-sung , 김화섭KimWha-Sup , 채재성ChiJae-Sung
Since the late 20th century, most countries in the world make an effort to develop new types of services as the share of services in world trade have substantially increased. Of the services in trade, sports service has shown a gradual increase in its share. Sports service itself produces a satisfactory value in the market and the sports also turn out to be very useful as a medium for marketing other goods and services. In China, the biggest export market for Korea, such sports service as soccer has been very popular. Soccer also plays a great deal of role for improving the national impression of Korea.
This paper attempts to analyze marketing strategies for soccer as a sports service and also to introduce marketing strategies for other goods and services by utilizing soccer. Of marketing strategies of soccer, increasing broadcasting fees and expansion in exporting players are suggested as leading strategies. In marketing strategies trough soccer, we present following suggestions as : publicity by dispatching star players, advertizement by introducing the Chinese star players, expansion of soccer market by inter-league system, inducement of sponsor participating for regional tie-in small and medium enterprises, and expansion of the Chinese tourists into Korea.
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Effective Implementation and Management of Sport Sponsorship Program for Successful Sport Event 스포츠산업, 경영 : 성공적 스포츠 이벤트를 위한 스포츠 스폰서십 프로그램의 효과적 수행과 관리 방안
40(1) 657-675, 2001
Effective Implementation and Management of Sport Sponsorship Program for Successful Sport Event 스포츠산업, 경영 : 성공적 스포츠 이벤트를 위한 스포츠 스폰서십 프로그램의 효과적 수행과 관리 방안
The purpose of this study was twofold; 1) to identify attitude toward sponsorship and stadium attendance factor in professional sport spectators, the present condition of participation and expectancy effect of sport sponsorship in corporate, and the actual condition of use and understanding for sponsorship in sports group, 2) to suggest a developing plan of proper sponsorship in terms of the National Governing Body(NGB).
The data were collected from sports spectators(1,579), corporates(52), and NGBs(36), Five-point Likert-type scale and self-administration method were used. In order to have reasonable reliability and validity, Cronbach’s α and factor analysis were used, For data analysis frequent analysis, t-test, ANOVA, and regression analysis wore used with SPSSSWIN ver. 8.0. Results are as follows.
Perception of sponsorship and stadium attendance factor of spectators have a full or partially effect on behavioral response, attitude toward sponsor, information search and purchase intension. Behavioral response influences on attitude toward sponsor that have an effect on information search. Information search significantly influences on purchase intension.
In spite of participating in sponsorship program for popular pro-sports organization, corporate have not actively used the fact they are sponsor as a corporate communication strategy. In addition there was no difference in perceived effect of sponsorship between participation and non-participation corporate.
Sixty six point seven percent of the NGBs have experienced or operating sponsorship program and have general1y positive perception of sponsorship. There was no difference in effect of sponsorship program between operating and non-operating NGBs. An effective implementation and management plan of sponsorship in the NGBs was suggested in terms of spectator, corporate, media, and internal relation.
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The Analysis of Factors Influencing Food Sales In Golf Club Management 스포츠산업 , 경영 : 골프장 경영의 식음료 매출에 미치는 영향인자 분석
심창섭SimChang-Sup , 조지훈ChoJi-Hun
40(1) 676-683, 2001
The Analysis of Factors Influencing Food Sales In Golf Club Management 스포츠산업 , 경영 : 골프장 경영의 식음료 매출에 미치는 영향인자 분석
심창섭SimChang-Sup , 조지훈ChoJi-Hun
This study was to Analyze of Factors Influencing food Sales that hold important part In the field of Golf club Management.
Grasp the factor that correlated analysis of food Sales with a influence factor that caused sales members or nonmembers, male or female, climate condition of playing golf, weekdays or weekend, team numbers of a day.
The site of this study is S golf club which is located in Kyunggi province. All the datas that relating with this study is made from four people group who visited this club for 30 days from Oct. 1. 2000 to Oct. 31. 2000 (except 1 golf club off-day) and resulted relation analysis.
According to the result of this study, the higher number of female golfers visit, this less flood Sales in each team and the more teams a day and weekend is associated with influence to food sales.
In the case of tee house flood sales in golf dub, if the team composed of more member or male golfer, the influence of flood sales is positive and the sum of total of food sales department the club house grill is the main point of food sales in golf club.
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A Study on adjustment direction of compensation system using Sports Promotion Funds 스포츠산업, 경영 : 체육인 복지제도 개선에 대한 인식 비교
이용식LeeYong-Sik , 오연풍OhYoun-poong
40(1) 684-699, 2001
A Study on adjustment direction of compensation system using Sports Promotion Funds 스포츠산업, 경영 : 체육인 복지제도 개선에 대한 인식 비교
이용식LeeYong-Sik , 오연풍OhYoun-poong
The purpose of this study was to advise adjustment direction of compensation system using Sports Promotion Funds. The Subjects were four hundred forty-one general people which were participating or not participating at the mass sports, forty four general managers of Affiliate Association of the Korea Sports Council which could gained medal or not, eighty six athletes and coaches which were receiving a pension of Sports Promotion Funds or not.
Results of this study are follow
First, nonparticipation group hope enlargement of compensation coverage for no-medal athletes, adjustment of compensation scores among international games through higher adjustment Asian Game’s score, compensation for coach of all medalist in international games, higher adjustment of compensation coverage for handicapped athletes. In conclusion, enlargement of compensation coverage and chance for no-medal athletes need from the viewpoint that nonparticipation group hoped higher than participation group and in terms of pure welfare system.
Second, group in having difficulty in gaining medal hope enlargement of compensation coverage for no-medal athletes, adjustment of compensation scores among international games through higher adjustment Asian Game’s score, higher adjustment of compensation coverage for handicapped athletes. In conclusion, it is needed enlargement of compensation coverage and chance for no-medal athletes from the viewpoint that some sports group highly funded but others lesser funded from government and was gap of ability in fundraising.
Third, athletes and coaches which were not receiving a pension of Sports Promotion Funds hoped adjustment of compensation scores among medal score through higher adjustment of bronze medal score, compensation for coaches of all medalist in international games, enlargement of studying abroad chance from Olympic Game medalist to Asian Game medalist. In conclusion it is needed enlargement of compensation coverage and chance for no-medal athletes from the viewpoint of vertical equity which non-annuitant as well as annuitants had been hard training for some periods, and which training conditions especially, facilities were lack or not good, and which some sports gained easy medals whereas others not.
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Effects of Determinative Factors on Consumer Behavior of Sports of Professional Basketball Spectators 스포츠산업, 경영 : 프로농구 소비자의 관전영향요인이 재관람 의사에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate Effects of Determinative Factors on Consumer Behavior of Sports of Professional Basketball Spectators. The Subjects were two hundred forty-one spectators at the Professional Basketball Spectators.
Results of this study are follow,
1. The game condition factors influence directly on the satisfaction of spectating the game and indirectly on consumer behavior of sports.
2. The sport ground factors influence directly on the satisfaction of spectating the game, the profit of spectating the game and indirectly on consumer behavior of sports.
3. The spectating cost factors do not influence on the satisfaction of spectating the game, the profit of spectating the game and the consumer behavior of sports.
4. The spectating promotion factors influence on satisfaction of spectating the game and indirectly on the consumer behavior of sports.
5. The accompany factors influence directly on the profit of spectating the game and indirectly on the consumer behavior of sports.
6. The sports lifestyle factors influence directly on the profit of spectating the game and indirectly on the consumer behavior of sports
7. The loyalty for a certain team factors influence directly on the post of spectating the game and the consumer behavior of sports.
8. The satisfaction of spectating the game and the profit of spectating the game factors influence directly on the consumer behavior of sports.
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The Influence of a Psychological factor of a Sports Consumer on Behaviors of the Sports Consumer 스포츠산업, 경영 : 스포츠 소비자의 심리적 요인이 소비자행동에 미치는 영향
40(1) 713-722, 2001
The Influence of a Psychological factor of a Sports Consumer on Behaviors of the Sports Consumer 스포츠산업, 경영 : 스포츠 소비자의 심리적 요인이 소비자행동에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to analyze decision making factors for the sport consumer behavior. The sample was drawn from 736 university students located in Seoul in 1998.
A questionnaire was designed to measure the influence of the decision making process on sport consumer behavior, consisting of fixed alternative choice responses to items constructed to represent the operational definition for each variable.
Statistics employed for data analysis were a multiple classified analysis, product-moment correlation, and a multiple regression.
Based upon the results of the study, the following conclusions appear warranted :
1. Self-image congruency of sport club users has a positive effect on intention of users to decide to enter a sports club.
2. Attitude has a positive effect on intention of users to decide to enter a sports club.
3. Emotion has a positive effect on intention of users to decide to enter a sports club.
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Successful 2010Winter Olympic host and development of local society 스포츠산업, 경영 : 지역사회 발전을 위한 2010 년 동계올림픽개최전략 - 강원도를 중심으로 -
40(1) 723-736, 2001
Successful 2010Winter Olympic host and development of local society 스포츠산업, 경영 : 지역사회 발전을 위한 2010 년 동계올림픽개최전략 - 강원도를 중심으로 -
The purpose of this report is discussing about the strategies of Kang won province for successful 2010 Winter Olympic host and development of local society. I'll discusse the distinctive quality of Kang won province whose eventual goal is Globalization and information-oriented society, and in addition, I'll try to debate some problems through case studies referring to precedent olympics. Besides, I'll converse four models for achieving goals, creating Sports Economy Modeling and industrializing strengthening stability of local society, developing Sports-Tours Items, and cultivating relationship of circumstance sports. These models are aiming Globalizing an information-oriented society and localization. Kang Won Province would host successful Olympic if it accomplishes Entertaining Sports associating sports and mass media, Industrialized Sports linking Sports and economy and Sports Event joining sports and tourism.
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The Effect of Game Attendance Factors on Team Image and Purchase Intention 스포츠산업, 경영 : 경기관전 요인이 구단 이미지와 구매의도에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between game attendance factors, team image, and purchase intention. Using a cluster random sampling method, the data were collected from 496 spectators who viewed home game of Buchun SK. Questionnaires were used instrument of this survey. It consists of game attendance factors, team image, and purchase intention. Data were completed self-administration method. In order to have reasonable reliability and validity, Cronbach’s α test and factor analysis were used. For data analysis, descriptive analysis and regression analysis ware used. The results are as follows.
First, all of game attendance factors do not significant affect team image.
Second, only game record of game attendance factors affects purchase intention.
Third, team image significant influences on purchase intention.
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A Study on Casual Relationships among Participation Motivation, Sports Commitment and Leisure Satisfaction 사회체육 : 생활체육 참여동기, 스포츠몰입, 여가만족간의 인과관계
40(1) 749-760, 2001
A Study on Casual Relationships among Participation Motivation, Sports Commitment and Leisure Satisfaction 사회체육 : 생활체육 참여동기, 스포츠몰입, 여가만족간의 인과관계
This study is focused on the investigating the casual relationships among participation motivation, sports commitment and leisure satisfaction. For this study the 621 subjects were gathered, who takes part in the sport for all. Participation motivation of sports scale, sport commitment scale, and leisure satisfaction scale were used for data collection of this study.
The statistical methods used mainly for this study are confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling analysis.
The conclusion obtained from the analysis of data are as follows;
First, there is a significant casual relationship between extrinsic motivation of sports participation motivation and sports commitment.
Second, there is a significant causal relationship between extrinsic motivation of sports participation motivation and leisure satisfaction.
Third, there is a significant causal relationship between sports commitment and leisure satisfaction.
Finally, sports participation motivation effects on leisure satisfaction indirectly through sports commitment, and sports commitment influenced by participation motivation effects on leisure satisfaction directly.
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An Analysis of Academic Learning Time in Physical Education in Swimming Instructors 사회체육 : 수영지도자의 실제학습시간(ALT-PE) 분석
The purpose of this study was to analyze Academic Learning Time in Physical Education (ALT-PE) for swimming instructors. To achieve the purpose of this study, 12 swimming instructors (8 male, 4 female) were selected as subjects.
The survey questionaries were used to collected the data. The questionnaire that was used by Siedentop et al. (1982).
As a result of the analyses of the collected data, the following conclusions were obtained.
First, there was a significant difference in the rate of ALT-PE by the gender of swimming instructors.
Second, there was a significant difference in the rate of ALT-PE by the career of swimming instructors.
Third, there was a significant difference in the rate of ALT-PE by the teaching styles of swimming instructors.
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An Analysis of the Differences of Recreational Satisfaction Depending on Extracurricular Autonomous Sports Activities 사회체육 : 과외자율체육활동에 따른 여가만족 차이 분석
백운기BaekWoon-Gi , 고재곤KoJae-Gon , 김흥만KimHeung-Man
40(1) 773-784, 2001
An Analysis of the Differences of Recreational Satisfaction Depending on Extracurricular Autonomous Sports Activities 사회체육 : 과외자율체육활동에 따른 여가만족 차이 분석
백운기BaekWoon-Gi , 고재곤KoJae-Gon , 김흥만KimHeung-Man
The purpose of this study was to analyze the differences of recreational satisfaction among students who were participating in some special adaptability education programs, in particular, extracurricular autonomous sports activities operated by schools.
For this purpose, 184 girls attending middle and high schools in Seoul were sampled. The scales of survey were a questionnaire regarding the extracurricular autonomous sports activities and a tool measuring their satisfaction with the recreational activities. The researchers personally visited the schools to ask the sample students to answer the various questions. Then, a three-stage survey program was designed for the sample girl students and their teachers to be operated for a semester, and its results were analyzed ex post facto. The results of this study can be summarized as follows;
First, it has been found that those girl students participating in the physical extracurricular activities scored higher points in tells of their social and physiological satisfactions than those not participating.
Second, these girls having the parents of higher academic background were more satisfied with their recreation activities.
Third, these girls who thought the physical extracurricular activities aimed at refreshing their body and mind were more satisfied with the activities than those who thought they aimed at nourishing their personality.
Fourth, these who did not skip the program were more satisfied with the activities.
Fifth, those girls who spent 1-2 hours for the program were most satisfied with the result.
Sixth, those who felt the program fitting themselves were more satisfied with the program than those who did not.
Summing up, it was found through this study that the physical extracurricular activity program was conducive to improving students’satisfaction with their recreational activities, Given such results, therefore, it is conceived that high school students’physical activities would help to relieve them of stress and enhance their life quality.
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The Preferences of Relationship between Leisure Activity and Socio - demographic Characteristic of University Students 여가레크리에이션 : 대학생의 사회인구학적 특성과 여가활동 선호유형의 관계
김동진KimDong-Jin , 김재운KimChae-Woon
40(1) 787-796, 2001
The Preferences of Relationship between Leisure Activity and Socio - demographic Characteristic of University Students 여가레크리에이션 : 대학생의 사회인구학적 특성과 여가활동 선호유형의 관계
김동진KimDong-Jin , 김재운KimChae-Woon
The purpose of this study was to find out the preferences of relationship between leisure activity and socio-demographic characteristic of university students. In order to meet this purpose, 505 university students answered the questionnaire which was consist of 11 types of leisure activity. Eleven types of leisure activity were analyzed by five factors : domestic·self development activity, consumptive leisure activity, static culture activity, passive leisure activity, positive society activity.
The findings are as follows:
1. Among the eleven types of leisure activity, sports activity was the most preference to university students.
2. Mail pupils prefer positive society activity and girl students prefer domestic ·self development activity, consumptive leisure activity, static culture activity, passive leisure activity.
3. Among the university student, freshman prefers consumptive leisure activity.
4. The student who think they are in good health prefer positive society activity.
5. Student prefer consumptive leisure activity in that case their parent are high education and household income is high.
6. Students whose mother hasn’t job prefer domestic·self development activity.
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Discriminant Function Analysis of Mentally Retarded by Physical Fitness Test Battery 특수체육 : 체력요인(體力要因)에 의한 정신지체아(精神遲滯兒) 집단(集團)간의 판별분석(判別分析)
한민규HanMinKyu , 강상조KangSang-Jo
40(1) 799-810, 2001
Discriminant Function Analysis of Mentally Retarded by Physical Fitness Test Battery 특수체육 : 체력요인(體力要因)에 의한 정신지체아(精神遲滯兒) 집단(集團)간의 판별분석(判別分析)
한민규HanMinKyu , 강상조KangSang-Jo
The present study attempted to evaluate the differences of physical fitness among three group categorized mentally retarded children and to investigate the physical fitness structures of the three different groups. The subject were classified into three groups; educable (group I), trainable (group II), and down syndrome (group III). The subjects consisted of 596 mentally retarded children selected from special school. The 7 physical fitness tests were selected from motor-related fitness components. Multiple discriminant analysis was used to determine if the selected physical fitness tests were sensitive to differentiate among the three groups and successfully classify individual students in the appropriate performance levels. MANOVA showed that there was a significant difference (p $lt; .01) among the three different groups in the selected 7 physical fitness test mean vectors. Discriminant function analysis showed that two functions were extracted, but first function was significant. The first was a flexibility and cardio-endurance factor represented by sit & reach and 1000m run that separated the group I and the group II, III. Classification analysis was used to evaluate the accuracy of the discriminant analysis. The result showed that 48.09% of the three different mentally retarded children groups were correctly classified into their respective groups by the weighted discriminant scores. Is was concluded that the one discriminant function provided a valid model for evaluating differences among the three different mentally retarded groups.
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The Undergraduates' Attitudes Toward Inclusive Physical Education of the Physically Disabled 특수체육 : 대학생의 신체장애인 통합체육에 대한 태도 연구
40(1) 811-820, 2001
The Undergraduates' Attitudes Toward Inclusive Physical Education of the Physically Disabled 특수체육 : 대학생의 신체장애인 통합체육에 대한 태도 연구
This study is to identify the Undergraduates’ attitudes toward inclusive physical education of the physically disabled. Subjects for this study consisted of undergraduates of 2~4 grades living in S city and K province. The sample number used in actual analysis was 394. The content of the questionnaire used for this research made up of twelve questions concerning the teacher’s attitudes toward inclusive physical education using the Physical Educators’ Attitudes Toward Teaching Individuals with Disabilities(Block & Rizzo, 1995). The reliability and validity of the questionnaire was confirmed based on a pilot test, a meeting of specialists, a calculation of Cronbach’s α value, and factor loading value used in exploratory factor analytic technique. Cronbach’s α value was .7344. In order to analyze the data, this study used a SPSSWIN Version 8.0 program for statistical analysis, and was completed using frequency, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA multiple correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. Based on the above research methods and procedures, this study produced the following results. 1) The undergraduates’ attitudes toward inclusive physical education of the physically disabled according to gender, undergraduate’s special education training undergraduate’s adapted physical education training, and duration of teaching experience is differenced significantly(p$lt;.05). 2) Duration of teaching experience, subjects of special education training, and gender influence the undergraduates’ attitudes toward inclusive physical education significantly(p$lt;.01).